Sunday, 14 August 2022


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Short Answer-Type Questions (SAQ)

1. Who composed  the poem The Sick Rose".

Ans. William Blake composed the poem The Sick Rose.

2. Where from is taken the poem "The Sick Rose"?

Ans. The poem "The Sick Rose" is taken from Blake's The Songs of Experience.

3. How many lines does the poem 'The Sick Rose' consist of ?

Ans. The poem The Sick Rose' consists of eight lines. 

4. Who is sick in the poem of Blake?

Ans A 'rose' is sick in the poem of Blake.

5. Why is the rose sick?

Ans. The rose is sick because a worm has attacked it.

6. When did the worm creep into the rose's bed?

Ans The worm crept into the rose's bed on a stormy night. 

7. What does the poet suggest by the presence of the worm ?

Ans. By the presence of the worm the poet suggests the dark side of sexuality.

8. How many quatrains does the poem 'The Sick Rose' consist of? 

Ans The poem 'The Sick Rose' consists of two quatrains.

9. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem 'The Sick Rose' ?

Ans The rhyme scheme of the poem is abcb defe.

10. What is the symbol of the rose that is accepted?

 Ans Love is the symbol of the rose that is accepted.

11 "Has found out thy bed of crimson joy"- Whose bed is referred to here?

Ans Here 'thy bed' refers to the bed of the rose.

 12. What does the word 'howling storm' refer to ?

Ans The word 'howling storm' refers to a chaos.

13. How does the worm feel after finding out the bed of the rose ? 

Ans The worm feels happy after finding out the bed of the rose.

14. Why is the bed of the rose crimson ?

Ans. The bed of the rose is crimson as the rose is bleeding by the bite of the worm.

15. Why does the worm take shelter in the rose ? 

Ans. The worm takes shelter in the rose to destroy it.

16. Who has destroyed the life of the rose ?

Ans. The life of the rose has been destroyed by an invisible worm.

17. Why is the love a 'secret' in the poem 'The Sick Rose' ? 

Ans. The love is a secret in the poem, "The Sick Rose' as the rose doesn't know anything about it.

18. Why is the worm joyful?

Ans. The worm is joyful as it has found out a bed in the rose.

19. Why could the rose not protect itself from the worm?

Ans. The rose couldn't protect itself from the worm as it was unaware of the dangerous worm.

20. Why did the worm kill the rose ?

 Ans. The lust of the worm killed the rose.

 21. How is the rose?

 Ans. The rose is sick.

22. Who comes in contact with the rose? 

Ans. The worm comes in contact with the rose.

 23. Who flies at night?

Ans. The worm flies at night.

24. Who has found out the rose's bed?

Ans. The invisible worm has found out the rose's bed.

25.  What happens to the rose ?

Ans. The rose becomes sick and destroyed. 

26. How is the rose's bed described ?

Ans. It is described as crimson joy.

27. How does the worm destroy the rose?

Ans. The worm destroys the rose with its dark, secret love.

28. When does the invisible worm fly?

Ans.  The invisible worm flies in stormy night.


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Textual Grammar of "THE SICK ROSE"

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Textual Grammar of "THE SICK ROSE" 

Do as directed

1. The invisible worm has found out your bed. [Change the voice]

 Ans Your bed has been found out by the invisible worm. 

2. His dark, secret love destroys your life. [Change the voice]

Ans. Your life is destroyed by his dark, secret love.

3. The poet says, "Oh rose! you are sick". [Change the mode of narration]

Ans. The poet exclaims with sorrow that the rose is sick.

4. The poet says, "The invisible worm has found out your bed." [Change the mode of narration]

Ans. The poet says that the invisible worm has found out her bed. 

5. The invisible worm flies in the howling storm. [Change into complex and compound sentences]

Ans. The invisible worm flies in the storm which is howling. [complex

 The invisible worm flies in the storm and it is howling. [compound

6. The rose is the finest flower. [Change the degree of comparison]

Ans. Comparative degree: The rose is finer than any other flower.

Positive degree: No other flower is as fine as the rose.

7. His love is darkest of all. [Change the degree of comparison]

Ans. Positive: None other's love is as dark as his.

Comparative: His love is darker than that of anybody.

8. The worm is invisible. It flies in the night. [Join into simple, complex and compound sentences]

Ans. Simple: The invisible worm flies in the night.

Complex: The worm which is invisible flies in the night. 

Compound: The worm is invisible and it flies in the night.

9. His love is dark. His love is secret. It destroys your life. [Join the sentences into simple, complex and compound sentences]

Ans. Simple: His dark secret love destroys your life. 

Complex: His love which is dark and secret destroys your life. 

Compound: His love is dark and secret and it destroys your life.

10. The invisible worm flies in the night. [Split into simple sentences] 

Ans. The worm is invisible. It flies in the night.


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Monday, 16 May 2022

একাদশ শ্রেণীর দর্শন (দর্শনের শাখাসমূহ) SAQ

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 দর্শনের শাখাসমূহ

সংক্ষিপ্ত উত্তর ভিত্তিক প্রশ্নোত্তর ( SAQ)

প্রশ্ন: 'Epistemology' শব্দের বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ কী?

উত্তর:  'Epistemology' শব্দের বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ হল জ্ঞানবিদ্যা।

প্রশ্ন: 'Epistemology' শব্দটি কোন্ কোন্ শব্দ থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়েছে?

উত্তর: Epistemology' শব্দটি 'Episteme' ও 'Logos' শব্দ থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়েছে।

প্রশ্ন: ‘Episteme' শব্দের অর্থ কী?

উত্তর: 'Episteme' শব্দের অর্থ হল জ্ঞান। 

প্রশ্ন ‘logos' শব্দের অর্থ কী?

উত্তর: 'logos' শব্দের অর্থ বিদ্যা।

প্রশ্ন: জ্ঞানবিদ্যার একটি আলোচ্য বিষয় উল্লেখ করো।

উত্তর: জ্ঞানবিদ্যার একটি আলোচ্য বিষয় হল জ্ঞানের সংজ্ঞা নির্ধারণ করা। 

প্রশ্ন: সংকীর্ণ অর্থে জ্ঞানবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয় কী? 

উত্তর: বস্তুগত ও আকারগত সত্যতা।

প্রশ্ন:  কোন্ শাখাকে দর্শনের ভিত্তি বলা হয়?

উত্তর: জ্ঞানবিদ্যাকে দর্শনের ভিত্তি বলা হয়।

প্রশ্ন: জ্ঞান ও বিশ্বাসের পার্থক্য কোথায় আলোচিত হয়?

উত্তর: জ্ঞানবিদ্যা জ্ঞান ও বিশ্বাসের পার্থক্য আলোচনা করে।

প্রশ্ন:  'Metaphysics' শব্দের বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ কী?

উত্তর: 'Metaphysics' শব্দের বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ অধিবিদ্যা।

প্রশ্ন:  ‘Metaphysics’ শব্দটি কোন্ কোন্ শব্দ থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়েছে?

উত্তর: ‘Metaphysics’ শব্দটি 'Meta’ ও ‘Physics' শব্দ থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়েছে।

প্রশ্ন: 'Meta' শব্দের অর্থ কী? 

উত্তর: 'Meta' শব্দের অর্থ হল পরবর্তী।

প্রশ্ন: অধিবিদ্যায় কোন্ দুটি জগৎ-এর কথা বলা হয়েছে? 

উত্তর: অধিবিদ্যায় যে দুটি জগৎ-এর কথা বলা হয়েছে তা হল (a) ইন্দ্রিয়গ্রাহ্য জগৎ ও (b) অতীন্দ্রিয় জগৎ।

প্রশ্ন: 'Metaphysics' শব্দের ব্যুৎপত্তিগত অর্থ কী? 

উত্তর:  'Metaphysics' শব্দের ব্যুৎপত্তিগত অর্থ হল পদার্থবিদ্যার পরবর্তী আলোচনা।

প্রশ্ন: অধিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয়গুলি ক-প্রকার?

উঃ অধিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয়গুলি দু-প্রকার, যা হল তত্ত্ব বিষয়ক ও ধর্ম বিষয়ক।

প্রশ্ন: দুজন দার্শনিকের নাম বলো যারা অধিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয়কে অজ্ঞাত ও অজ্ঞেয় বলেছেন।

উত্তর: হিউম, কোঁত প্রমুখ দার্শনিক অধিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয়কে অজ্ঞাত ও অজ্ঞেয় বলেছেন।

প্রশ্ন: ‘Meta' শব্দটি কোন্ ভাষার শব্দ?

উত্তর: ‘Meta' শব্দটি গ্রিক শব্দ।

প্রশ্ন: দুজন দার্শনিকের নাম বলো যারা অধিবিদ্যাকে জ্ঞানবিদ্যার দাসত্ব থেকে মুক্তির কথা বলেছেন।

উত্তর: মারভিন ও পেরি অধিবিদ্যাকে জ্ঞানবিদ্যার দাসত্ব থেকে মুক্তির কথা বলেন।

প্রশ্ন: দর্শনের কোন শাখায় অবভাস ও বস্তুস্বরূপের মধ্যে পার্থক্য করা হয়?

উত্তর: অধিবিদ্যায় অবভাস ও বস্তু স্বরূপের মধ্যে পার্থক্য করা হয়।

প্রশ্ন: 'Metaphysics' শব্দের অর্থ কী? 

উত্তর: 'Metaphysics' শব্দের অর্থ হল 'অধিবিদ্যা'।

প্রশ্ন: কার্যকারণ সম্পর্কের স্বরুপ কোথায় আলোচনা করা হয়। 

উত্তর: অধিবিদ্যায় কার্যকারণ সম্পর্কের স্বরূপ আলোচনা করা হয়।

প্রশ্ন:  Metaphysics' শব্দের আক্ষরিক অর্থ কী?

উত্তর: 'Metaphysics' শব্দের আক্ষরিক অর্থ হল—যা ইন্দ্রিয়গ্রাহ্য জগতের আলোচনাকে ছাড়িয়ে যায়। 

প্রশ্ন: অধিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয়গুলি কী কী?

উত্তর: দেশ, কাল, কার্যকারণ সম্পর্ক, ঈশ্বর, আত্মা ইত্যাদি বিষয় সম্পর্কে অধিবিদ্যা আলোচনা করে।

প্রশ্ন: দর্শন ও অধিবিদ্যার সম্পর্ক ক-টি দিক থেকে আলোচিত হয়?

উত্তর: দর্শন ও অধিবিদ্যার সম্পর্ক তিনটি দিক থেকে আলোচিত

প্রশ্ন:  অধিবিদ্যার মূল আলোচ্য বিষয় কী?

উত্তর: অধিবিদ্যার মূল আলোচ্য বিষয় হল অপার্থিব ও অতীন্দ্রিয় বিষয়। 

 প্রশ্ন: কান্টের মতে অধিবিদ্যা কি সম্ভব?

উত্তর: কান্টের মতে অধিবিদ্যা সম্ভব নয়। 

প্রশ্ন কোন্ কোন্ দার্শনিক অধিবিদ্যাকে দর্শনের সঙ্গে অভিন্ন বলে মনে করেন? 

উত্তর: প্লেটো, হেগেল, ব্রাডলি প্রমুখ দার্শনিক অধিবিদ্যাকে দর্শনের সঙ্গে অভিন্ন বলে মনে করেন। 

প্রশ্ন: আলেকজান্ডারের মতে দর্শন ও অধিবিদ্যার সম্পর্ক কীরূপ?

উত্তর: আলেকজান্ডারের মতে, দর্শন ও অধিবিদ্যা অভিন্ন। 

প্রশ্ন:  কান্টের মতে দু-প্রকার অধিবিদ্যা কী কী?

উত্তর: কান্টের মতে, দু-প্রকার অধিবিদ্যা হল প্রকৃতির অধিবিদ্যা ও প্রাচীন অধিবিদ্যা।

প্রশ্ন:  'Noumenon' শব্দের অর্থ কী?

উত্তর: 'Noumenon' শব্দের অর্থ অতীন্দ্রিয় সত্তা। 

প্রশ্ন: কান্ট কেন অধিবিদ্যার আলোচনাকে নিষ্ফল বলেছেন?

উত্তর: কান্টের মতে, যথার্থ জ্ঞানের জন্য বুদ্ধি ও অভিজ্ঞতা উভয়ের সাহায্য প্রয়োজন। অথচ অধিবিদ্যা শুধু বুদ্ধিলব্ধ জ্ঞান নিয়ে আলোচনা করে। তাই এই আলোচনা নিষ্ফল। 

প্রশ্ন: অধিবিদ্যা সম্পর্কে হার্বার্ট স্পেনসারের বক্তব্য কী?

উত্তর: অধিবিদ্যা সম্পর্কে হার্বার্ট স্পেন্সারের বক্তব্য হল জগৎ অজ্ঞাত ও অজ্ঞেয়।

প্রশ্ন: হিউমের মতে, অধিবিদ্যার ধারণাগুলি কেমন? 

উত্তর: হিউমের মতে অধিবিদ্যার ধারণাগুলি অর্থহীন।

প্রশ: অধিবিদ্যা সম্পর্কে দার্শনিক কোতের মত কী?

উত্তর: অধিবিদ্যা সম্পর্কে দার্শনিক কোঁতের মত হল 'অধিবিদ্যা অর্থহীন ও অসম্ভব। 

প্রশ্ন: একজন যৌক্তিক প্রত্যক্ষবাদী দার্শনিকের নাম বলো। 

উত্তর: এ. জে. এয়ার হলেন একজন যৌক্তিক প্রত্যক্ষবাদী দার্শনিক।

প্রশ্ন:  'Ethics' শব্দটি কোন ইংরেজি শব্দ থেকে এসেছে?

উত্তর: Ethics' শব্দটি ইংরেজি শব্দ 'Ethos' শব্দ থেকে এসেছে।

প্রশ্ন: Ethos' শব্দটি কোন শব্দ?

উত্তর: 'Ethos' শব্দটি হল একটি গ্রিক শব্দ।

প্রশ্ন: 'Ethos' শব্দের অর্থ কী?

উত্তর: Ethos' শব্দের অর্থ হল আচার-ব্যবহার। 

প্রশ্ন: Ethics' শব্দের ব্যুৎপত্তিগত অর্থ কী?

উত্তর: 'Ethics' শব্দের ব্যুৎপত্তিগত অর্থ হল-মানুষের আচার ব্যবহার সম্পর্কিত আদর্শনিষ্ঠ আলোচনা।

প্রশ্ন;  নীতিবিদ্যার প্রধান আলোচ্য বিষয় কী?

উত্তর: নীতিবিদ্যার প্রধান আলোচ্য বিষয় হল নৈতিক ও অনৈতিক ক্রিয়ার পার্থক্য নির্ণয়, নৈতিক বিচার ও তার মানদণ্ড নির্ণয় করা।

প্রশ্ন: মানুষের কোন প্রকার ক্রিয়া নীতিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয়? 

উত্তর: নীতিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয় হল ঐচ্ছিক ক্রিয়া ও অভ্যাসজাত ক্রিয়া।

প্রশ্ন: " নীতিবিদ্ লিলির মতে নীতিবিদ্যা কী?

উত্তর: লিলির মতে নীতিবিদ্যা হল সমাজের বসবাসকারী মানুষের আচার-আচরণ সম্পর্কীয় একটি আদর্শনিষ্ঠ বিজ্ঞান।

প্রশ্ন: চারপ্রকার নীতিবিদ্যা কী কী? 

উত্তর: চারপ্রকার নীতিবিদ্যা হল- (i) আদর্শনিষ্ঠ নীতিবিদ্যা, (ii) পরানীতিবিদ্যা, (iii) ব্যাবহারিক নীতিবিদ্যা ও (iv) পরিবেশ নীতিবিদ্যা

প্রশ্ন নীতিবিদ্যার লক্ষণ কী?

উত্তর:  নীতিবিদ্যার লক্ষণ হল নৈতিকতা, নৈতিক সমস্যা ও নৈতিক বিচার সম্পর্কে দার্শনিক চিত্তন।

প্রশ্ন: ভালো-মন্দ শব্দগুলির অর্থ কোথায় আলোচিত হয়? 

উত্তর: ভালো-মন্দ শব্দের অর্থ পরানীতিবিদ্যায় আলোচিত হয়।

প্রশ্ন:  পরা নীতিবিদ্যা কী?

উত্তর: নীতিবিদ্যার যে শাখায় ভালো-মন্দ, ন্যায়-অন্যায় ইত্যাদি শব্দগুলির অর্থবিচার করা হয় তা হল পরা নীতিবিদ্যা। 

প্রশ্ন:  নৈতিক আদর্শ সংক্রান্ত একটি মতবাদের নাম বলো।

উত্তর: নৈতিক আদর্শ সংক্রান্ত একটি মতবাদ হল সুখবার 

53 কোন কাজের ভালো বা মন্দহ দর্শনের কোন শাখা বিচার করে?

উত্তর: নীতিবিন্যায় কোনো কাজের ভালো বা মন্দ বিচার করা হয়।

প্রশ্ন:  নীতিবিদ্যার সর্বাধুনিক শাখাটির নাম কী?

উত্তর: নীতিবিদ্যার সর্বাধুনিক শাখাটি হল পরিবেশ নীতিবিদ্যা।

প্রশ্ন: দর্শনের দুটি শাখার নাম বলো যাদের আদর্শনিষ্ঠ বলা হয়।

উত্তর: যুক্তিবিজ্ঞান ও নীতিবিজ্ঞানকে আদর্শনিষ্ঠ বলা হয়।

প্রশ্ন: দর্শনের কোন শাখায় মঙ্গলের আদর্শ আলোচিত হয়। 

উত্তর: নীতিবিদ্যায় মলের আদর্শ আলোচিত হয়।

প্রশ্ন: সমাজদর্শন বলতে কী বোঝায়।

উত্তর: দর্শনের যে শাখায় সমাজের উদ্দেশ্য, আদর্শ, মূল্য, প্রকারভেদ, সর্বোত্তম প্রকার ইত্যাদি সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করা হয় তা হল সমাজদর্শন।

 প্রশ্ন:  সমাজদর্শনের কাজ কী?

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনের কাজ হল সমাজবিজ্ঞানের বিষয়বস্তুর দার্শনিক তাৎপর্য নির্ণয় করা।

প্রশ্ন:  জিসবার্টের মতে, সমাজদর্শনের অংশগুলি কী কী?

উত্তর: জিসবার্টের মতে, সমাজদর্শনের দুটি অংশ হল জ্ঞান বিষয়ক ও মূল্য বিষয়ক।

প্রশ্ন: সমাজদর্শনের কয়েকটি আলোচ্য বিষয় কী কী?

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনের কয়েকটি আলোচ্য বিষয় হল সামাজিক সংগঠন, সামাজিক আদর্শ, মূল্যবোধ ইত্যাদি।

প্রশ্ন: সমাজবিজ্ঞান কোন প্রকারের বিজ্ঞান। 

উত্তর: সমাজবিজ্ঞান হল আদর্শনিষ্ঠ বিজ্ঞান।

প্রশ্ন:  সমাজদর্শনের গঠনমূলক কাজ কী?

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনের গঠনমূলক কাজ হল সামাজিক আদর্শের সত্যতা ও যথার্থতা বিচার।

 প্রশ্ন: সমাজদর্শনের কাজ কী কী।

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনের তিনপ্রকার কাজ হল- তত্বমূলক, বিচারমূলক ও সমম্বয়মূলক। 

প্রশ্ন: সমাজদর্শনের মূল আলোচ্য বিষয় কী? 

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনের মূল আলোচ্য বিষয় হল জ্ঞান বিষয়ক এবং মূল্য বিষয়ক যথার্থ জ্ঞানের আলোকে সামাজিক আদর্শ, লক্ষ্য ও মূল্য আলোচনা করা।

প্রশ্ন: সমাজদর্শনকে কেন দশর্নের ওপর নির্ভর করতে হয়। 

উত্তর: মূল্যের স্বরূপ জানার জন্য সমাজদর্শনকে দর্শনের ওপর নির্ভর করতে হয়।

 73 সমাজবিজ্ঞান ও দর্শনের মিলনক্ষেত্র কাকে বলা হয়। 

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনকে সমাজবিজ্ঞান ও দর্শনের মিলনক্ষেত্র বলা।

প্রশ্ন: যুক্তিবিদ্যা বা তর্কবিদ্যা শব্দটির ইংরেজি প্রতিশব্দ কী?

উত্তর: যুক্তিবিদ্যা বা তর্কবিদ্যা শব্দটির ইংরেজি প্রতিশব্দ হল Logic

প্রশ্ন:  'Logic' শব্দটি কোন্ ইংরেজি প্রতিশব্দ থেকে এসেছে।

উত্তর: 'Logic' শব্দটি 'Logos' প্রতিশব্দ থেকে এসেছে।

প্রশ্ন: 'Logos' শব্দের দুটি অর্থ কী কী? 

উত্তর: 'Logos' শব্দের দুটি অর্থ হল চিন্তা ও ভাষা।

প্রশ্ন: যুক্তিবিদ্যা কাকে বলে?

উত্তর: ভাষার প্রকাশিত চিন্তা বা অনুমান সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করে যে শাস্ত্র, সেই শাস্ত্রকে বলে যুক্তিবিদ্যা।

প্রশ্ন:  যুক্তিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয় কী?

উত্তর: যুক্তিবিদ্যার আলোচ্য বিষয় হল যুক্তি এবং বৈধতা ও আনুষঙ্গিক বিষয়।

প্রশ্ন:  সমাজদর্শনের জনক কে?

উত্তর: সমাজদর্শনের জনক হলেন দার্শনিক অগাস্ট কোঁৎ।

প্রশ্ন: যুক্তির গঠনগত একক কী?

উত্তর: যুক্তির গঠনগত একক হল বচন।

প্রশ্ন: ম্যাকেঞ্জির মতে নীতিবিদ্যা কী?

উত্তর: ম্যাকেঞ্জির মতে, "যে শাস্ত্র মানুষের অন্তর্নিহিত আদর্শের সাধারণ আলোচনা করে তা হল নীতিবিদ্যা”। 

প্রশ্ন: যুক্তিবিদ্যায় চিন্তা শব্দটি কোন অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়?

উত্তর: যুক্তিবিদ্যায় চিন্তা শব্দটি সংকীর্ণ অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

প্রশ্ন: আরোহ যুক্তির কাজ কী?

উত্তর: আরোহ যুক্তির কাজ হল প্রকৃতির একরূপতা নিয়ম ও কার্যকারণ নিয়মের সাহায্যে বিশেষ বিশেষ ঘটনা পর্যবেক্ষণ করে একটি সার্বিক সংশ্লেষক বচন প্রতিষ্ঠা করা।

প্রশ্ন: অবরোহ যুক্তির কাজ কী? 

উত্তর: অবরোহ যুক্তির কাজ হল সার্বিক সত্য থেকে বিশেষ সত্যে উপনীত হওয়া।

প্রশ্ন:  দর্শনের কোন শাখা মানুষের চিন্তার বৈধতা নিয়ে আলোচনা করে? 

উত্তর: যুক্তিবিদ্যা মানুষের চিন্তার বৈধতা নিয়ে আলোচনা করে।

প্রশ্ন: আমাদের জীবনের তিনটি মৌলিক মূল্যবোধ কী কী? 

উত্তর: আমাদের জীবনের তিনটি মৌলিক মূল্যবোধ হল-সত্য, শিব ও সুন্দর।

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Friday, 13 May 2022

Write an application to the head of your institution about the difficulties you faced everyday in the overcrowded classroom.

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 Write an application to the head of your institution about the difficulties you faced everyday in the overcrowded classroom.



The headmaster,

Gangarampur High (HS) school

Gangarampur, Dakshin Dinajpur


   On behalf of the students of class xi, I beg to state that we are facing a great difficulties everyday in attending our classes. There are fifteen benches in the room and each bench cannot accommodate more than five students. As there are more than 125 students in the class. Six students are compelled to share a bench. So, it becomes very difficult for the students to sit and write down the notes at ease. In summer overcrowding causes us inconvenience.

  under the above circumstances, I request you to split the class into two sections at an early date.


                                               yours obediently,

                                                 R. Das  

                                                Class xi Roll no. 12

                 gangarampur High (HS) school             

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Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Explain the significance of the title of the story "The Comedy of Errors" (

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Explain the significance of the title of the story "The Comedy of Errors" ('কমেডি অফ এররস" গল্পটির নামকরণের যৌক্তিকতা বিচার করো)

Ans. The story of this comedy  is really funny where the wife sends her husband to jail.  The twin brothers Antipholus and the twin servant Dromio caused a lot of confusion and funny incidents one after another.  Adriana claimed that her husband was  in the convent custody, and at that very moment her real husband and servant Dromio also appeared there.  Antipholus complained that he had to stay in jail for falsely accusing her of insanity.  Adriana didn't really understand who her real husband was as the two brothers were looking  same as well as their twin servants.  Throughout the whole story, comedy and characters make mistakes at every step.  So the title of the story is appropriate.

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Friday, 25 March 2022


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  ENGLISH (Group-B) (New Syllabus)

              Part-A (Marks: 60)



1. Answer any two of the following questions, each in about 100 words:  6x2=12

                The Eyes Have It

1. “She would forget our brief encounter"-Who said this and about whom? What is the 'brief encounter' referred to here? Why did the speaker think so? [ কে কার বিষয়ে একথা বলেছে? 'Brief encounter' বলতে এখানে কী বোঝান হয়েছে? কেন বক্তা এ কথা বলেছেন?  [1+1+2+2] 

Ans. The narrator in Ruskin Bond's short story 'The Eyes Have It' said this about the girl with whom he was travelling.

The 'brief encounter' refers to the light-hearted conversation between the narrator and the girl in the train.

The speaker was very impressed by the melodious voice of the girl. He longed for the company of the girl till the end of his journey, but when he came to learn that the girl would  get down at Saharanpur, he was very upset. The girl's appearance made a deep impression on his mind. Simultaneously he assumed in his mind that this short interview would be taken lightly by the girl and would soon be erased from her mind.]

(2)  “I am tired of people telling me I have a pretty face."

Who said this, to whom and when? What did the person spoken to reply?

Ans: The girl said this to the narrator.

During the conversation when the narrator remarked that the girl's face was an interesting one, the girl accepted this compliment sarcastically and made the above comment.

The blind narrator was not sure whether the girl had a pretty face and mended his comment by saying that an interesting face could also be a pretty face which the girl apparently took cordially.

(3) “Then I made a mistake” – What was the mistake?  Who made the mistake and why?

Ans:-The short story “The Eyes Have It”, written by Ruskin Bond is a beautiful story. The narrator asked the girl “what did she see outside the window ?” It was the mistake of the narrator.

The narrator and the girl were discussing the beauty of Mussoorie in October. The girl remained silence for a moment. Just of that time, he threw that the girl perhaps was thinking him a romantic fool. So he asked the wrong question to change the topic. He was always cautious about not revealing his blindness to her. He doubted that his wrong question might reveal the fact to the girl.

(4) “She had a beautiful eyes but they were of no use to her” –  Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were the eyes ‘of no use’ to her? Explain the irony of situation.

Ans:-The eyes of the narrator’s co-passenger is referred to here. The eyes were not useful to her because she was completely blind.

From the start of the journey the narrator pretended to the girl that he was not blind. But when he asked the second co-passenger if the girl had kept her hair short or long, the man replied that he did not notice the girl’s hair. He only noticed the beautiful eyes of the girl which were of no use to her as she was completely blind. The irony of the situation is that the narrator was trying to hide his blindness from the girl who was also blind.

(5) “She was an interesting girl,” I said, “Can you tell me – did she kept her hair long or short ?” Who asked the question and to whom ? Why did he ask this question ?

Ans:-The narrator of the story “The Eyes Have It” asked this question to the new passenger.

The girl, co-traveller of the narrator got down from the train at Saharanpur Station. He realised that he was charmed by the girl very much. He wondered if she had kept her hair in bun or it was plaited or it was kept loose. It should be short. The narrator was lost in dream. The girl was standing close to him. The perfume from her hair was tantalising. He wanted to raise his hand and touch her hair. She moved away. Only the perfume lingered where she stood. The narrator stood lost in dream.

(6) “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.”

What was the reverie ? How was the reverie broken and who broke ?

Ans:-The short story “The Eyes Have It” written by Ruskin bond is a beautiful story. The narrator was travelling in a train. A girl boarded the train from Rohana Station. Both these two passengers were blind. The girl’s voice moved the narrator deeply. He could not notice her face. He apprehended that the girl was beautiful. Her voice was the sparkle of a mountain stream. After the departure at Saharanpur Station, the narrator returned to his own seat. The train started again. The song of the moving wheels began. The narrator sat beside the window. He looked outside and thought the bright daylight. But it was complete darkness for him. He was guessing about what was going outside the window. It was his reverie.

A new fellow traveller entered into his compartment. He apologised to the narrator for not being an attractive as the girl. This voice broke the narrator’s reverie.

                                   THREE QUESTIONS

 (1) How did the enemy of the king become friend with the king in Leo Tolstoy’ “The Three Questions”?

ANS: The Tsar came to the woods to meet the hermit. All day long he worked for him. In the evening he met a bearded man. the man was in a serious condition. He had a large wound in the stomach. The Tsar bandaged his wound. The man was saved. He fell asleep. The next day, the man told the Tsar to forgive him. The Tsar learnt that he had actually saved the life of his enemy who had given up all anger and wanted to serve him. The Tsar was very happy. He promised to give back his property. He wanted to send his doctors and servants for the man's treatment and service. Thus the enemy of the Tsar became friend with the Tsar.

(2) What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need correct answer to those questions? What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned man?

ANS . Once three questions had occurred to the Tsar . The first question was to know the right time to begin everything . The second question was who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid . The third question was what was the most important thing to do.

 He needed correct answers to those questions because in that case he would never fail in anything he might undertake.

* When the Tsar was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men , he decided to consult a hermit living in the wood, who was widely famous for his wisdom. He disguised himself by wearing simple clothes, left his bodyguard behind and went alone to visit the hermit .

(3) "You have already been answered!"-- Do you agree with the hermit's answers? How did the hermit explain the answers to the questions asked by the Tsar?


Do you agree with the hermit’s answers to the Tsar’s three questions? Give reason for your answer.

Ans: Yes, I agree with the hermit's answers.

* The hermit answered to the questions of the Tsar through the direct experiences.  Firstly, the hermit explained that the present time was the most important time. As the Tsar was digging the hermit's beds, he could avoid the attack by his enemy . Secondly, the most important person happened to be the persons with whom the Tsar spent the present time. Accordingly, they were the hermit and the wounded man. Thirdly, the act of doing good to people was the most important business . The Tsar assisted the hermit first and then nursed the wounded man . And for that purpose a man was sent into this life .

                       STRONG ROOTS

(1) Describe the locality where A.P.J. Abdul Kalam lived in his childhood?

ANS. In his autobiographical narrative "Strong Roots", APJ Abdul Kalam has given a description of his locality. He was born in Rameshwaram, an island town. He lived in their ancestral house on the Mosque Street. Rameswaram was very famous to the pilgrims for the Shiva temple which was about ten minutes walk from their house. The locality was predominantly Muslim community. But a lot of Hindu families also lived there. The Hindu and Muslim families lived together amicably in his locality. In the locality, there was a very old mosque where his father would take him for evening prayers.

(2) What picture of communal harmony do you find in the extract from A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s autobiography?

ANS. In his autobiographical narrative "Strong Roots", APJ Abdul Kalam has given a description of his locality. He was born in Rameshwaram, an island town. He lived in their ancestral house on the Mosque Street. Rameswaram was very famous to the pilgrims for the Shiva temple which was about ten minutes walk from their house. The locality was predominantly Muslim community. But a lot of Hindu families also lived there. The Hindu and Muslim families lived together amicably in his locality. In the locality, there was a very old mosque where his father would take him for evening prayers.

(3) Why don't you say this to the people who come to you?"

---- Who said this and to whom? What is referred to by the word 'this'? Why do people come to the person spoken to?  1+1+3+1

Ans. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam said this to his father, Jainulabdeen.

     * Here 'this' refers to Jainulabdeen's spiritual concept of man's existence on earth. According to him, there is nothing mysterious about prayer. While communicating the spiritual concept to Kalam Jainulabdeen told when troubles come, we should try to understand the relevance of our sufferings. We should remember that adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.

    *  People come to Dr. kalam's father Jainulabdeen for help and advice when they were in trouble.

(4) Whenever they are in trouble, they look for someone to help them." --- Who said this and to whom? Who are they referred to here? What does the speaker want to mean here?

Ans. Jainulabdeen said this to his son,  Dr. APJ Abdul kalam.

 *They are human beings who have fallen in the troubles of life. Or, Here 'they' refer to the people who get into trouble in life.

*Kalam's father could explain complex spiritual matters in very simple Tamil. Once he said to Kalam adversity always presents opportunities for introspection. Then Kalam asked why his father did not convey it to people who come to him for help and advice. While answering, Kalam's father said that no man can endure sufferings. Whenever people who are in trouble find themselves alone. They feel confused and depressed. Then they look for someone who can help them.  They seek helpers who can show them the way to come out of the difficult situation. That is why people come to him.


Answer any two of the following questions, each in about 100words:     6x2=12

1. " ....... and this gives life to thee." --- what does 'this' refer to? Who is referred to by 'thee'? How does 'this' give life? এখানে 'this' বলতে কী বোঝানো হয়েছে?  'thee' বলতে কাকে বোঝানো হয়েছে? কিভাবে 'this' জীবন দান করে?

Ans. Here 'this' refers to the sonnet No.18 composed by William Shakespeare.

In sonnet No.  18, 'thee' refers to the the poet's dear friend Mr. W.H., who is supposed to be the Earl of Southampton.

 In sonnet No.18, Shakespeare wants to compare his dear friend to the beauty of a summer's day. He thinks that his friend is lovelier and more gentle than the summer. During summer, rough winds shake  the darling buds of May. The sun shines brightly and sometimes goes behind the clouds. Finally the summer fades.  But his dear friend   enjoys eternal summer. So, the poet hesitates to compare his friend to a summer's day. He is sure that his friend will live forever through the eternal lines of his poetry.

(2) How does Shakespeare immortalize his friend’s beauty?

/Central Idea/Subject matter/Substance of the poem"Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer Day ?"

Answer : The poet, William Shakespeare praises the beauty of his beloved friend(Mr William Harbert). He admits that Summer is lovely and attractive. But his friend is lovelier and more temperate than summer. Violent winds shake the blooming flowers. So it is not permanent (transitory).Sometimes the sun goes too hot and clouds often dim the golden colour of the bright sun. As no fair things last long on earth, earthly beauty is subjected to change. But the beauty of his beloved friend is indestructible. So it will suffer no change or death.The poet knows well that his friend's youth(beauty) will live eternally through his poetry.

(3)  Show, after Keats, that the poetry of earth never comes to an end Identify the voices of the poetry in the poem . / How does Keats establish continuity through the voice ?

Ans:-John Keats, the poet believes that that the poetry of earth will never end. It will live through the music of earth. In the summer, the music of nature is heard in the song of the grasshopper. It is carried by the shrill of the cricket in winter.

       The birds faint in the hot summer days. They take rest in the cool shadow of trees. But music of summer cannot be stopped. The grasshopper takes the lead. The song of grasshopper runs from hedge to hedge. Being tired the grasshopper take rest beneath some pleasant weed. The cricket carries the music in winter. The song of the cricket introduces warmth in the forest. Thus Keats establishes that the music of nature can never be ceased.

(4) Central idea of the poem “Asleep in the Valley”./Justify the title of the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’../How does the picture of the soldier describe the tragedy of war? Explain. Or,  Describe the poet’s attitude towards war.

Ans:-Asleep in the Valley means sleeping in the valley. A very young soldier is lying on the ground of a valley open mouthed. He is lying with a gentle innocent smile. The poet thinks that the soldier is sleeping peacefully in the sunlight. The poet requests the insects not to disturb his sleep. He requests the nature to keep the solder worm, otherwise he may catch cold. Suddenly two red spots of the blood are noticed by the side of his body. This depicts that the soldier is already dead. His sleep is eternal and he will never wake again. Through this the poet Rimbaud evokes the futility of war. War only destroys young lives. So the title suggests the tragedy of the young soldier and the futility of war.


Ans:-Asleep in the Valley is a war poem. The poet Arthur Rimbaud experienced the horror of war. In this poem a soldier is described as very young. He is lying asleep in a peaceful small valley. He is bathed in sunlight. The smiling face of the soldier indicates that he is innocent and pure. The sun is raining on him. Yet neither of these can awake him. At the end, we see the bullet marks on the side of his body. Symbolically Rimbaud tries to describe the tragedy of war. The soldier lies open mouthed. Death is countered by the growth and existence of bushes, flowers and plants. Thus the poem proclaims the futility of war. War only destroys young lives. So the poet’s anger about war is clear in the poem.


Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 words:  6x1=6

 a) Discuss the character of Natalya.

Ans:- In the play "The Proposal" Anton Chekhov has presented three characters. Natalya is one of them. She is a young unmarried girl of twenty five years. She is well educated, an excellent housekeeper and is not bad looking. But she is very quarrelsome and abusive by nature. She begins a bitter quarrel with Lomov over Oxen Meadows. She drives Lomov out. But when she learns that Lomov has come to propose to her, she forgets all her grievances. She begins to wail over her lost chance. She asks her father to call him back. She begs pardon of Lomov. She again starts quarreling with  Lomov over the hunting dogs. Finally, when she gets married, she shows no sign of romance. Again, she starts quarreling. So she is a perfect match for Lomov.

 b) Give brief sketch of character of Lomov in the play 'The proposal'.

Ans. In the play "The Proposal", Anton Chekhov has presented three characters. Chubukov is one of them. He is an old landowner and the father of grown-up daughter Natalya.  He is concerned about his daughter's marriage. He is delighted when Lomov comes with a proposal to marry Natalya. But he takes his daughter's side in the argument over Oxen Meadows and their hunting dogs. Together with his daughter, he insults, abuses and drives Lomov out of their house. But he brings him back as he does not want to lose Lomov as his son in-law. He curses his own fate as to how he will get Natalia married with Lomov. Eventually when Lomov faints, he plays a trick on them to get them married. Thus Chubukov is relieved of his social liability as a father.

(c) "Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown-up daughter" - Who is the speaker here? Why does the speaker call it 'a burden' to be the father of a grown-up daughter?

Ans. Chubukov is the speaker here.

Chubukov is the old father of a marriageable daughter, Natalya. He feels the pressure of society to get his daughter married. But he is always puzzled by the whimsical mood of his daughter. When Lomov comes with a marriage proposal, Chubukov is greatly pleased. But Natalya is engaged in a bitter quarrel with Lomov. She drive Lomov out from their house. But when she comes to know about Lomov's proposal, she asks her father to call him back. Chubukov goes to call him back being an affectionate father. But it seems disrespectful to him. This uncertain behaviour of Natalya is unbearable to him. So he calls 'a burden' to be the father of a grown-up daughter.

(d) Is Chubucov a sensible father? How do you know?

(e) Make a brief sketch of social life as you see in the play. OR What aspect of the human condition and society does the play make fun of?

(f) "Chubukov says of Natalia, " as if she won't consent she's in love; egad, she is  like a lovesick cat..."  Would you agree? fined reason for your answer.

(g) Give the reason why the marriage is important to all the characters.

                                GRAMMAR (10arks)

(a)  Do as directed :                                                                                1 x6=6

 (i) " Eat some more, son," She said. (Turned into indirect speech)

 Ans. She said politely to eat some more.

 (ii) The carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm.(Change the Voice)

 Ans.Their Sound and rhythm were changed by the carriage wheels.

     (ii) She was silent ( Rewrite as a negative sentence)

 Ans. She was not talking.

 (iv) One of the most vivid memories of my early childhood is of the two men. (Change into positive degree).

 Ans: Very few memories of my early childhood are as vivid as of the two men.

 (v) Why don't you say this to the people who come to you for help and advice? [Split into two simple sentences]

 Ans. (a) People come to you for help and advice (b) Why don't you say this to them?

 (vi) A man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology. [Turn into a compound sentences )

Ans. A man got into the compartment and stammered an apology.

 (b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles/or prepositionns: 1x6=6

 Others declared that it was impossiblee- (i)- decide beforehand -(ii)-right time--(iii)--every action; but that, not letting oneself be absorbed--(iv)--- idle pastimes, one shouid always attend--(v)--all that was going---(vi)

 And: to, the, for, in, to, on

      (c) Correct the error in the following sentence by rep word with one from the options given below. 1x1=1

 My father could convey complex spiritual conceives in very simple down- to-earth Tamil.

 Options: conceptions, conceptual, concepts

 Ans: concepts.                                                                 

Examinees are requested to practice from TEST PAPERS carefully.

     5.                  UNSEEN (10 Marks)

State whether the following statements are’ True’ or ‘False’. Write T for True and F for False                                                                                                                1x4=4

          (i)            (ii)                                  (iii)                                 (iv)

Answer each of the following in about 30 words :                                               2x3=6

       (i)                          (ii)                                    (iii)                                        

Examinees are requested to practice fromTEST PAPERS carefully.

  6. (a) REPORT WRITING: 10 Marks

write a report within 150 words on an educational tour to Digha conducted by the Sub-committee of your school.                           

Write a report within 150 words about the Tree Plantation Programme organized by your school.

 Write --             -              -- --- --- --- --- -- on Blood Donation Camp organized by your school.

 Write a    --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   -- for the annual magazine of your school.

Recently your school organized a cleaning drive in the immediate vicinity of the school. The students and all staffs of the school participated in the programme. Write a report on the event in about 150 words.

Write a report on a Book Fair in your district.

Write a report for the newspaper about a street accident.

Write a report on prize giving ceremony of your school.

Write a report on Teachers’ Day-5th September.

Annual Sports report on school magazine, Magic Show organized by the school, , Farewell function of a respected teacher, Swach Bharat Aviyan, Safe Drive Save Life Campaign,     


(b) LETTER WRITING:                                                                  10 Marks

You are Kamal Das of Gangarampur High school. On behalf of the school, you have purchased a cricket set from ABC Sports CO. Ltd. Some of the equipments are found defective. Write a letter within 150 words to the company asking for replacement or refund.

Write a letter to a publisher requesting him to send you a bulk of books for your school library in 150 words.

Write a letter to the Head Master of your school to by some reference books for your school library.

Write a letter to the officer-in charge of your local police station reporting that you have lost your bi-cycle. In your letter you will mention the date and time of the loss, the place where from it was lost, brand name and description of the bi-cycle.

Suppose you have lost your Madhyamik Admit Card. Now write an application to the deputy Secretary of W.B.B.S.E. for duplicate Certificate.

Write an application for the Branch Manager of a Bank for loan.

Suppose you have lost your Madhyamik Admit Card. Lodge an FIR with the local police station.

Write an application for the post of office-assistance in a business firm.

Write a letter to the store manager, requesting for repair of the TV Set / complain about the bad quality goods you purchased from their shop/inquiry of some goods price.

 Delay of Postal Delivery, Missing of Mobile Phone, Missing of Library Card, Requesting Loan for a new business, bad conditions of roads.

Write a letter to Editor of a newspaper about-- the high price of every essential commodities / reckless driving/ eve-teasing.



                                              10 Marks


To write a PRECIS students are directed to follow the instructions given below.

Read the passage attentively.

Choose a title from the key sentence of the passage.

Note the important points of the passage.

Make the PRECIS within one third of the given words.

Do not add any personal comment which is not included in the passage.

Do not use idiomatic or ornamental expression.

Avoid any repetitions.

Do not use direct speech and quotations.

Do not write 1st person or 2ndperson.

Do not write ditto words from the given passage.

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                  SUGGESTION FOR 2022

       CLASS –XII  SUBJECT- ENGLISH B                            (WBCHSE)

                      Part—B (Marks 20)

Multiple Choice Type Questions (MCQ) & Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) of 1mark.

1. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided : (4 out of 4)                                               1x4=4

1. The blind girl’s voice had –(i) the ringing of a bell (ii) the buzzing of a face (iii) the sparkle of mountain stream (iv) magic spell

2. The girl said she was getting off at --  (i) Dehra (ii) Mussorie (iii) Rohana (iv)  Saharanpur

3. From Dehera, Ruskin Bond was going – (i) to Mussoorie  (ii) Rohana (iii) to a hill station (iv) to Saharanpur

4.According to the blind narrator – (i) few girls can resist flattery (ii) all girls like flattery (iii) all girls can resist flattery (iv) no girls like flattery

5. When did the girl love the hills of Mussoorie?  (i) in March (ii) in December (iii) in September (iv) in October

6.What did the third passenger notice in the girl? (i) her hair (ii) her beautiful figure (iii) her beautiful eyes (iv) her voice

6.Kalam’s father started his day – (i) at 4p.m. (ii) at early morning (iii) at 4a,m, (iv) at dawn

7.The ancestral house of Kalam was in – (i) the Mosque street (ii) the Mosque street in Madras (iii) the mosque street in Rameswaram

8.Rameshwaram was famous to pilgrims for – (i) the Vishnu temple  (ii) the Shiva temple (iii) the Tirupati temple (iv) the Mosque

9. A.P J. Abdul Kalam was by birth a – (i) Telugu (ii) Tamil (iii) Kannad (iv) Malayali

10.The Tsar went to the hermit – (i) alone (ii) with his hoarse (iii) with his friend (iv) with his bodyguard

 11. The Tsar belonged to –(i) the Prime Minister of Great Britain (ii) the President of Russia (iii) the King of Japan (iv) the King of Russia

12. The most important time of the Tsar according to the hermit was – (i) the future time (ii) the past time (iii) the present time (iv) the time when he was digging the beds

13. The hermit received – (i) only the minister (ii) only the poor people (iii) only the kings (iv) only the common people

 14. The hermit never quitted (i) the cottage he lived in (ii) the road he could see (iii) the retreat he lived in (iv) the wood he lived in

15. What did the Tsar bring to the wounded man to drink –(i) hot milk (ii) fresh water (iii) hot water (iv) cold milk

16. The beard man was wounded by ---(i) the Tsar (ii) the Tsar’s bodyguard (iii) the hermit (iv) his brother

17. Leo Tolstoy’s “Three Questions” can be taken as a –(i) Novel (ii) short story (iii) drama (iv) Epic


18. What further arouses the narrator’s curiosity about the girl in “The Eyes have it”? – (i) her perfume (ii) her appearance (iii) her voice (iv) her sense of humour

N.B.: Examinees are requested to go through the text attentively.

2. Answer any four of the following questions in a single sentence:  (SAQ)        1X4= 4

(1) What does kalam's father say about the relevance of prayer?

Ans: Kalam's father says that prayer makes a possible communion of the spirit between people.

(2) Describe the ancestral house of Kalam.

Answer: Kalam's ancestral house  built in the middle of the 19th century was a fairly large pucca house made of limestone and brick, on the Mosque street in Rameshwaram.

(3) Where did Kalam sit to eat?

 Answer: Kalam normally sat on the floor on the kitchen to eat with his mother.

(4) Where did Kalam’s father go to collect coconuts?

 Answer:  Kalam’s father went to their coconut grove to collect coconuts.

(5) Who waited for Kalam’s father outside the mosque after the evening prayer?

  Answer:  People of different religions waited for Kalam’s father outside the mosque after the evening prayer.

(6) Who took Kalam for the evening prayer?

Answer:  Kalam’s father took Kalam to the mosque for the evening prayer.

(7) Who got the title of ‘Bahadur’ from the British?

 Answer: One of the forebears of Abdul Kalam’s mother got the title of ‘Bahadur’ from the British.

(8) Name a distinguished friend of A.P.J.  Abdul Kalam’s father.

 Answer:  The name of the distinguished friend of Kalam’s father was Pakshi Lakshmana Shastri.

(9) Who was bestowed the title of 'Bahadur' in 'Strong Roots'?

Answer: In 'Strong Roots' one of the forebears of kalam's mother was bestowed the title of 'Bahadur' by the British.

(10) Who was the priest of Shiva temple in  'Strong Roots'?

Answer: In  'Strong Roots' Pakshi Lakshmana sastry was the priest of Shiva temple in Rameshwaram

 (11) What did the narrator ask the new passenger about the girl?

Ans: the narrator asked the new passenger how the hair of the departing girl was.

(12) Why could not the girl bear a long journey in a train? 

Ans: The girl could not bear a long journey in a train because she could not bear to sit long hours in a train.

(13) What remark did the narrator make about people with good eyesight?

Answer: The narrator remarked that people with good eye-sight often fail to see what is right in front of them as they have too much to take in.

(14) How did the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It' describe the voice of the blind girl?

Answer: The narrator in 'The Eyes Have It' said that the voice of the blind girl had The sparkle of a mountain stream.

(15) What were the eyes of the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It' sensitive to?

Answer: The eyes of the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It'  are sensitive to light and darkness.

(16) How did the girl describe the narrator?

Answer: The girl remarked that the narrator was very gallant young man.

(17) When do the hills look lovely, according to Ruskin Bond?

Ans: According to Ruskin Bond the hills look lovely in October.

(18) Who would come to receive the girl at Saharanpur?

Ans: the aunt of the girl would come to receive the girl at Saharanpur.

(19) What did the second fellow- passenger say to the blind narrator about the girl’s eyes?

Answer: The second fellow-passenger told the blind narrator that the girl’s eyes were beautiful and attractive but were of no use to her.

(20) Why was the girl in “The Eyes Have It” startled by the narrator’s question?

  Answer: The girl was startled by the narrator’s question because she did not know that there was any one in the compartment as she could not see even.

(21) What was the girl’s reply when the narrator told the girl that she had an ‘interesting face’?

Answer: The girl laughed and admitted that many of her acquaintances had already told her that she had an ‘interesting face’.

(22)  At which station did the blind girl get into the train?

Answer: The blind girl got into the train at Rohana station.

(23) How did the narrator know that the girl wore slippers?

 Answer: the narrator knew that the girl wore slippers from the sound of slippers when they slapped against her heels.

(24) Who broke the reverie of the narrator in train? Answer: The new passenger broke the reverie of the narrator in train.

(25) How did the Tsar meet the hermit?

Answer: The Tsar put on a simple clothes like a common man, left his bodyguards behind him and went alone to meet the hermit.

(26) Why did the Tsar put on simple cloth before meeting the hermit?

Ans: The Tsar put on a simple cloth before meeting the hermit because the hermit received only the common folk.

(27) Why did learned men come to the Tsar?

 Answer: the learn men came to the Tsar to get answer of his three questions.

(28) What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him?

Answer: The hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut when the Year came to visit him.

(29) Where did the Tsar fall asleep?

Answer: The Tsar fell asleep on the threshold of the hermit's hut.

(30) Why did the man want to take revenge?

Answer: The man wanted to take revenge because the Tsar killed the man's brother and seized his property.

(31) Where did the hermit in  'Three Questions' live?

Answer: The hermit in 'Three Questions' lived in a wood that he never left.

(32) Which part of the body of the bearded man was injured in the story 'Three Questions'?

Answer: In the story 'Three Questions' the bearded man was injured in his stomach.

(33)  How was the hermit? 

  Answer: The hermit was frail and weak.

(34) Why did the Tsar want to know the answers of all his questions?

 Answer:  the Tsar wanted to know the answers of all his three questions because the Tsar would never fail in anything if he knew this.

(35) How many beds had the Tsar dug? 

 Answer: The Tsar had dug two beds.

(36) What was the second question of the Tsar?

  Answer:  The second question of the Tsar was who the most necessary people were.

(37) What was the first question of the Tsar?

Answer:  The first question of the Tsar was what the right time for every action was.

(38) What was the third question of the Tsar?

 Answer:  The third question of the Tsar was whatthe most important time to do was.

N.B.: Students are requested to memorize excess from exercise book.


3. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: (MCQ)                                                                                                 1x4=4

  1. The soldier lies in the valley because he is a – (i) winner in the war  (ii) casualty of war  (iii) sleeping person  (iv) chocolate-cream soldier

2. The dead soldier was – (i) not very young  (ii) middle aged  (iii) very young  (iv) an aged person

3. The poet requests Nature – (i) to lull the soldier to sleep  (ii) to disturb the soldier’s sleep  (iii) to keep the soldier warm  (iv) to make the soldier catch cold

4. “Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”  The word ‘thou’ refers to – (i) the poet’s lady love  (ii) the poet’s mother  (iii) the poet’s friend  (iv) the poet himself

5. ‘But the eternal summer shall not fade’ The word opposite in meaning to ‘eternal’ is – (i) universal  (ii) momentary  (iii) temporal  (iv) decayed

6. “Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines.” The reference here is to –(i) Mars  (ii) the Sun  (iii) the Moon  (iv) Jupiter

7. Grasshoppers fly in England – (i) in autumn  (ii) in winter  (iii) in spring (iv) in summer

8. According to Keats, the music of earth ceases – (i) in summer  (ii) in winter  (iii) in autumn  (iv) at no point of time

9. A winter evening is (i) hazy  (ii) silent  (iii) gloomy  (iv) delightful

10.  Who represents the music of winter in the ‘Poetry of Earth’?—(i) fly  (ii) cricket  (iii) bee (iv) grasshopper

N.B.: Students are requested to go through the text attentively.

4. Answer any four of the following questions in a single sentence each (SAQ Poems)                                                                                                        1x4=4

(1) In what manner does the soldier lie in the countryside?

 Answer: The soldier in the countryside is lying in as if he is first asleep.

(2) Why is the soldier pale?

Answer: The soldier is pale because he is dead.

(3) How does the poet bring out the innocence of the soldier in 'Aseep in the Valley'?

Answer: In 'Asleep in the Valley' the poet brings out the innocence of the soldier by comparing the soldier's smile to an infant.

(4) What is the smile of the dead soldier compare to?

 Answer:  The smile of the dead soldier is compared to an infant’s gentle and pure smile.

(5) The humming insects don’t disturb his rest”; Why?

 Answer:  The humming insects don’t disturb his rest because he is enjoying an eternal sleep.

(6) Where were the soldier’s feet?

 Answer: The soldier’s feet were among the flowers.

(7) What is described as ' gentle', without guile

Answer: The innocent smile lingering on the face of the dead soldier is described as 'gentle without guile'.

(8) Where does the stream live 'long strands of silver'?

Answer: The stream leaves 'long strands of silver' on the bright grass of a small green valley

(9) What does the slow stream leave on the bright grass?

 Answer:  The slow stream leaves long strands of silver on the bright grass.

(10) What is the soldier’s pillow made of?

 Answer:  The soldier’s pillow is made of fern.

(11) Why does the poet ask nature to keep the soldier warm?

Answer: The poet ask nature to keep the soldier warm so that he may not catch cold.

(12) What does Shakespeare compare his friend to?

Answer:  Shakespeare compares his friend to a summer’s day.

(13) What shall death not brag?

 Answer:  death will not be able to brag about the charming existence of the poet’s friend in his ‘shade’.

(14) What will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal?

Answer: Eternal poetry will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal.

(15) How is the gold complexion of the sun dimmed?

Answer: The cloud makes the gold complexion of summer dimmed.

(16) "And summer's lease hath all too short a date" ----What is meant by summer's lease?

Answer: summer's lease means short duration of Summer.

(17) "So long lives this" --- What is referred to by the word 'this'?

Answer: The word 'this' refers to Shakespeare's sonnet No. 18

(18) Where does grasshopper rest at ease in summer?

 Answer:  In summer the grasshopper rests at ease beneath some pleasant weeds.

(19) What gives life to the poet's friend in Shakespeare's sonnet No. 18?

Answer: This poem (Sonnet No. 18) gives life to the poet's friend.

(20) How long will the young man be remembered in Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18?

Answer: In Shakespeare's sonnet No. 18, the young man will be remembered so long as men can breath or eyes can see.

(21) What shakes the darling buds of May? 

Answer:  The rough winds shake the darling buds of May.

(22) who takes the lead in summer?

Answer: The grasshopper takes the lead in summer.

(23) what do the birds do in summer?

Answer:  The birds faint due to the heat of sun in summer and height in the following trees.

(24) "A voice will run from hedge to hedge"-- Whose voice is referred to here?

Answer: The voice of the grasshopper has been referred to here.

(25) "He has never done with his delights"-- Who is 'he' referred to here?

Answer: Here 'he' refers to the grasshopper.

(26) What does the cricket’s song seem to one in drowsiness half-lost?

Answer:  The cricket’s song seems to be the songs of grasshopper to ‘one in drowsiness

(27) What does Keats celebrate in the poem “The Poetry of Earth”?

Answer:   In the poem “The Poetry of Earth “, Keats celebrates the music of earth through the cycle of seasons.

(28) Where does the grasshopper rest?

Answer: The Grasshopper takes rest beneath some pleasant weed.

(29) From where is the song of the cricket heard in 'The poetry of Earth'?

Answer: The cricket's song seems  to shrill from the stove.

(30) What might one hear on a lone, cold and silent winter evening?

Answer: On a lone, cold and silent winter evening one might hear the cricket's song from the stove

N.B.: Students are requested to memorize excess from exercise book.


5. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided:                                     1x4=4

(i) Lomov has come to Chubucov to ask for- (a) the Oxen Meadows, (b) some money (c) the hands of Natalya in marriage, (d) none of the above

(ii) The Proposal is a/an---- (a) one –act play, (b) tragedy, (c) comedy, (d) farce

(iii) The setting of the play is- (a) Lomov’s drawing room, (b) Museum, (c) Chubucov’s country house (d) French

(iv) The first argument is over- (a) land, (b) labour, (c) hunting dogs, (d) inheritance.

N.B.: Students are requested to go through the text attentively.

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