Showing posts with label Letter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letter. Show all posts

Friday, 13 May 2022

Write an application to the head of your institution about the difficulties you faced everyday in the overcrowded classroom.

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 Write an application to the head of your institution about the difficulties you faced everyday in the overcrowded classroom.



The headmaster,

Gangarampur High (HS) school

Gangarampur, Dakshin Dinajpur


   On behalf of the students of class xi, I beg to state that we are facing a great difficulties everyday in attending our classes. There are fifteen benches in the room and each bench cannot accommodate more than five students. As there are more than 125 students in the class. Six students are compelled to share a bench. So, it becomes very difficult for the students to sit and write down the notes at ease. In summer overcrowding causes us inconvenience.

  under the above circumstances, I request you to split the class into two sections at an early date.


                                               yours obediently,

                                                 R. Das  

                                                Class xi Roll no. 12

                 gangarampur High (HS) school             

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Monday, 20 December 2021

An Editorial Letter

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 Write a letter within 120 words to the Editor of an English daily about the harm that is caused to young minds due to excessive depiction of violence and crime on television.



The Editor

The Statesman


       Sub.: Harm caused to young minds due to excessive depiction of violence and crime on television


     I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following matter in your daily newspaper in the interest of common people.

        Television is a wonderful invention  of science.  It has an educational value, no doubt.  The whole world is now in our drawing room through the television screen.  With the advancement of science we can see a lot of satellite channels on our television screens.  It is one of the most powerful media now.  But now a lot of serials and films on crimes  are being shown on TV screens on different channels. Sex and violence are the main attractions of these serials.  The news of crime is also given more importance than other news.  These are causing great harm to the young minds.  There is a general tendency among young people to imitate these in real life situations.  These serials and films create aggression among the younger generation.  These are very harmful for our society.  These scenes have contributed a lot to the present social crimes of different types. It should be remembered that television is the only mode of entertainment to many people.  Therefore, strict action should be taken against such serials and films immediately.  Such programs should be censored for the welfare of the society.

        Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve this problem as soon as possible.

                                  Yours faithfully,

                               Pulak Bandopadhyay

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Sunday, 19 December 2021

An important Letter for Class xii (wbchse)

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 Write a letter to M.K. Electronics, Kolkata, requesting for repair or replacement of the M.K.TV Set which you had bought from them only 2 months ago as it has developed certain defects. [H.S. '15]



M / s. M.K. Electronics, 

2 Lalbazar Street, 

Kolkata 700 001.

      Sub: Repair/Replacement of the TV Set


      I am shocked to inform you that I had bought a M.K. TV Set from your showroom only two months ago. The number attached to the set is MP 202034. The manufacturing date is 30.11.2020. But unfortunately it is not functioning properly now.

       As it has developed certain defects within the guarantee period, I request you to make necessary arrangements either by repairing the defects or by replacing it with a new one.

        Photocopies of the cash memo and the guarantee card of the said TV set are attached herewith for your perusal and ready reference.

       Looking forward to your immediate action.

Thank you.

                                           Yours faithfully,

                                             Sagar Das 

                                              BG 21, Salt Lake 

                                               Kolkata- 700 064

 <<<<<<<               --+++++--                 >>>>>>>>>

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Monday, 8 March 2021

Editorial Letters for class xii (wbchse)

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 1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the high price of essential commodities


 The Editor 

The Statesman

 Kolkata 700001

                     Subject:  the high price of essential commodities

Dear Sir,

               I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following matter in your daily newspaper in the interest of common people.

                Now the price of  every essential commodities is increasing day by day. Rice sells at Rs. 35/- per kilo. Mustard oil sells at Rs. 110/- per kg. The price of fish has gone up very high.  The retail price of clothes, medicines, the vegetables ,kerosene, petrol, etc. has gone beyond the common man's reach. Dishonest merchants are indeed responsible for price rise. As a result the poor and middle class people have been suffering much.

Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the Government should take proper steps to solve the problem as soon as possible.     

    Place:  Gangarampur                                                           Yours faithfully,

       Date:                                                       Name

 2.  Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the bad condition of the hospital in your locality                                                                           


The Editor,

The Statesman,

Kolkata -700001  .

                                         Sub: Bad condition of the hospital

 Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my views about the bad condition of hospital in our locality.

      The condition of the hospital in our locality is very deplorable. There are sweepers in every hospital but they do not clean the hospital regularly. The number of beds is limited. So, many patients have to lie down on the floor. The doctor and nurses come sign and go. They do not take care of the patient. They are found more interested in private clinic than hospital. Crumbs lie here and there.  Dogs move about eating them with heart's content. The patients cry for help and medicine.

      Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as early as possible

                                                                                   Yours faithfully,


3.  write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the anti-social activities in your locality.


The Editor,

The Statesman,

Kolkata -700001  .

                                         Sub:  the anti-social activities


     Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my views about  the anti-social activities in our locality.

 At present increase in anti-social activities is a great problem in our country. It has spoilt the normal life of peace loving people. Docoity, pickpocketing, snatching, and smuggling have become ornaments of our daily lives .Grown up girls teased and taunted on the roads by the anti-social boys . Local Mostans are very powerful. They  collect money from the shops, stalls forcibly. Contribution are often collected from people by them at dagger point. None dares to protest them. All these cases are reported the police station.  But the police have not taken steps.

 Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as early as possible.

                                                                          Yours faithfully,


4.  write a letter to the editor of a newspaper against reckless driving on the road.



The Editor,

The Statesman,

Kolkata -700001  .

                                         Sub: reckless driving


     Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my views about  the reckless driving in our locality.

The reckless driving of cars has now become a regular occurrence. The drivers are not careful about their driving. They do not follow the rules and regulations about the traffic. They try to overtake other vehicles desperately. Men on the footpaths are not safe for reckless driving. Traffic police are inactive. As a result serious accidents are taking place on the road.

Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the Government should take proper steps to solve the problem as soon as possible.     

    Place:  Gangarampur                                                           Yours faithfully,

       Date:                                                       Name

5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problems faced by common people due to uncontrolled use of loudspeakers and soundboxes during different programmes and festivals.


 The editor 

The Statesman

 Kolkata- 700 001

          Sub: reckless  use of loudspeaker and sound boxes


Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to express my views about the problems faced by common people due to uncontrolled use of loudspeakers and sound boxes.

Microphones are blessing of modern science. But reckless use of loudspeakers and sound boxes during different programmes and festivals including family gathering, picnic, puja or political rally has become a fashion nowadays. The volume is so high that it causes great disturbance to all classes of people. The aged persons spend sleepless nights, the students cannot concentrate on their studies and peace loving people cannot take rest peacefully at home. Of late, the Kolkata High Court has issued orders restricting the use of loudspeakers but the rules are violated by the gay youngsters. Those who dare to protest harassed by the local rowdies.

Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to bring down this problem as early as possible.


Date:                                                           Yours faithfully,

                                                            Name .................

6. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily complaining about the irregular clearance of garbage in your locality


The editor, 

The Statesman,

 Kolkata 700001

                Sub:    Irregular clearance of garbage.


  Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my concern about the irregular clearance of garbage in our locality.

     Irregular clearance of garbage of gangarampur municipality area has made our life unbearable. It is not removed regularly. The rotten garbage is the breeding place of mosquitoes and flies and bad smell of it feels the air. As a result malaria and Cholera are broken out.

 Under the about circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Thanking you

                                                         Yours faithfully



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Letter Writing for class xii (wbchse)

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 Q: You are on Aneek Dey, a student of St. Martin High School. On behalf of the school you have purchased a cricket set from XYZ City Sports Co. Ltd. Some of the equipments are found defective. Write a letter within 150 words to the company asking for replacement or refund.




The Sales Manager,

XYZ  City Sports Co. Ltd.

39 College Street

Kolkata 7000 12

              Sub : Repair / replacement of the defective cricket set.


I would like to inform you that I purchased a cricket set from your company two days ago on behalf of my school. But when I broke the pack, I found that the handle of the cricket bat is loose and the cricket ball is missing. Moreover, one of the wickets is distorted. And certainly the set will be of no use to us.

I would like to let you know that the set is within the guarantee period. So, I request you to kindly repair or replace the set as early as possible. I have attached a copy of the receipt and the warranty card for your kind verification.

Thanking you.

                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                Aneek Dey

                                 Student of Class XII

                            St. Martin High School

 St. Martin High School

  Salt Lake Kolkata

   Date:    12/10/2018

Q: ABC School had ordered a publishing company for a bulk of books. But the company has failed to supply the books in time. Write a letter of reminder to XYZ publishing Co., 2, B. C. Roy Road, Kolkata 700009.


The Sales Manager,

XYZ publishing Co.

2, B.C. Roy Road

Kolkata 700009

             Sub: Reminder of supply order.


     I would like to inform you that I ordered your publishing company for bulk of books. It was agreed that the books would be supplied to our school within 10 days. But it is quite unfortunate that nearly a month has elapsed after that and you have neither supplied the books nor informed us about the reason for delay. The delay you are making has put me to a great inconvenience. I telephoned you several times but you did not receive.

However, I remind you to supply the books within a week. Otherwise, the order will be  cancelled.

Thanking you


                                      Yours faithfully,

                                                A. K. Das


                                                     ABC School

Q: The sports teacher of ABC High School placed an order on behalf of the school to your company for sports goods. There has been a delay in supply. You, being the Sales Manager regret and promise immediate delivery through a letter in not more than 150 words.


                        Dated: 13/10/2018


Sports Teacher,

ABC High School,


Dakshin Dinajpur

             Sub: Regret for non-       deliverance of order.


I sincerely regret that the order placed by you for the supply of sports materials last 21st  September, 2018 could not be delivered to you due to unavoidable circumstances.

The fact is that all the goods are ready except the volley ball, net and others related to cotton threads. It is learnt that cotton threads were of acute shortage in the market. But now they are available and the production has already started.

However, I promise that your order will be supplied to you within a week. I hope you would co-operate with me in allowing this extension of time. Once again I apologise for the delay.

Thanking you.

                            Yours faithfully,

                             Pritam Sarkar

                            Sales Manager

                            XYZ Sports Co.

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Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the increase in the number of road accidents these days.

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 Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the increase in the number of road accidents these days.



 The Editor 

 The Times of India 

Kolkata 700001

                      Sub: Increase Road Accidents. 


I shall be highly obliged if you kindly  publish the the following matter in your daily newspaper in the interest of common people. 

       Recently road accidents are a very common news. Most of us just look at the headlines and passout. We take it granted that we can't avoid them. This, I think, is a passive mentality. Are we not responsible for these accidents to some extent in many cases? People riding bikes do not want to wear helmates. They sometime refuse to follow the road signals. We also drive cars and two-wheelers at high speed. Practically speaking, we violate the rules of the road. 

        I, therefore, appeal to the people at large to abide by the traffic rules and act sensible. Always remember safe drive saves life. 

Thank you. 

                                       Yours faithfully, 

                                        P. K. Roy

11/1, Chittaranjan Colony

 Kolkata - 700 032 


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Friday, 4 December 2020

Write an application for a college leaving certificate which you need for admission to a university.

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 Write an application for a college leaving certificate which you need for admission to a university.



 The Principal,

 Gangarampur College,

 Gangarampur, Dakshin dinajpur


I beg most respectfully to inform you that I had been a student of your college for three years and passed my B. A. Examination (English Honours) from your college in 2019. 

      Now I intend to get myself admitted to the University of Calcutta and for that it is necessary to submit a College-leaving Certificate from you to the Registrar of the University. 

      I should, therefore, request the favour of your kindly issuing me a certificate referring to my character, academic records and extra-curricular activities during the three years that I had been in your college.

                                                     I am,

                        Yours most obedient student, 

                                     Apu Das

Place : Gangarampur

Date: 4/12/20

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Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problem of drug addiction.

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  Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problem of drug addiction. 



The Editor, 

The Statesman, 

Calcutta - 700 001. 

                              Sub: Problem of durg addiction. 


     I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following matter in your daily newspaper in the interest of common people.

     Drug addiction has now become a major problem of our social life. Many young men and women are falling victims of this dreadful curse. Heroin, Brown sugar, L. S. D and other narcotics are smuggled into the country by the dishonest traders. These traders operate underground and the young ones take these drugs for temporary pleasure. These drugs are nothing but death traps. Initially the drugs stimulate the addicts but slowly they lead the addicts to death. As a result the rosy possibilities of our young men and women are nipped in the bud. The right-thinking people should come forward to generate public opinion against this great curse of our social life. We should take the pledge - 'Let us unite for a drug - free world.' 

     Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as soon as possible.


 Yours faithfully, 

Pappu Das

বাংলা অনুবাদ:

 মাদকাসক্তের সমস্যা সম্পর্কে একটি পত্রিকার সম্পাদককে একটি চিঠি লেখ।




 দ্য স্টেটসম্যান,

 কলকাতা - 700 001।

 বিষয়: মাদকাসক্তির সমস্যা।


সাধারণ মানুষের স্বার্থে যদি আপনি দয়া করে নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়টি আপনার প্রতিদিনের পত্রিকায় প্রকাশ করেন তবে আমি অত্যন্ত কৃতজ্ঞ হব।


 মাদকাসক্তি এখন আমাদের সামাজিক জীবনের একটি বড় সমস্যা হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে।  বহু যুবক এবং মহিলা এই ভয়ঙ্কর অভিশাপের শিকার হচ্ছেন। অসাধু ব্যবসায়ীরা  হেরোইন, ব্রাউন সুগার, এল. এস. ডি এবং অন্যান্য মাদকদ্রব্য দেশে পাচার করে।  এই ব্যবসায়ীরা ভূগর্ভস্থ পরিচালনা করে এবং অল্প বয়স্করা সাময়িক আনন্দের জন্য এই ড্রাগগুলি গ্রহণ করে।  এই ড্রাগগুলি মৃত্যুর ফাঁদ ছাড়া আর কিছুই নয়।  প্রাথমিকভাবে ড্রাগগুলি আসক্তদের উত্তেজিত করে তবে ধীরে ধীরে ড্রাগগুলি আসক্তদের মৃত্যুর দিকে নিয়ে যায়।  ফলস্বরূপ আমাদের যুবক এবং পুরুষদের উজ্জ্বল সম্ভাবনাগুলি অন্কুরে বিনষ্ট হয়ে যায়। আমাদের সমাজ জীবনের এই মহান অভিশাপের বিরুদ্ধে জনগণের মতামত তৈরি করতে সঠিক-চিন্তাবিদদের এগিয়ে আসা উচিত। আমাদের এই প্রতিশ্রুতি নেওয়া উচিত - 'আসুন আমরা মাদক মুক্ত বিশ্বের জন্য ঐক্যবদ্ধ হই।'

 উপরোক্ত পরিস্থিতিতে আমি প্রার্থনা করি এবং আশা করি যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব সমস্যা সমাধানের জন্য সরকারের যথাযথ পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া উচিত।


  আপনার বিশ্ব্স্ত,

পাপ্পু দাস স্যার


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Monday, 14 September 2020

Write a letter to your pen friend about the place of interest in your country.

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 Write a letter to your pen friend about the place of interest in your country.


                                                      Dakshin Dinajpur


Dear Edward,

                    I'm glad to have your letter in my mailbox.  Since you have never visited India, I would like to give you some reasons to come to India.  Let me start with the Taj Mahal.  It is one of the wonders of the world and it is beautiful.  Besides, the Red Fort of Delhi and the royal palace of Rajasthan will tell you about the aristocratic life of the kings and queens.  When it comes to food, I don't know where to start. You will find better and more food here than any other country.  The specialty of our food is that we not only make food with spices but also mix love with it.  Lastly, the people of India are humble, kind and hospitable.  

         Hope to see you soon.  You will bring your camera to get a glimpse of some happy memories.      

                                      Your loving friend


Edward Perks

C/o- Tom Perks

Manhattan Street


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Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Write a letter to your friend about your plan to spend the vacation after the Madhyamik examination

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 Write a letter to your friend about your plan to spend the vacation after the Madhyamik examination.

                                                          14 V.I.P.Road 

                                                 Kolkata  - 700032


Dear Partho,

How are  you?  I hope your preparation for the Madhyamik examination is going well.  Today I received your letter.  I am very happy to know your plans for the holidays.  Rajasthan is a beautiful place, I hope you will have a very wonderful experience.  I am sorry to say that I have no such plans.  But sitting at home idly I don’t want to waste my time.  So I am thinking of joining  a computer course.  Almost everything is computerised nowadays.  I am sure this course will be beneficial for my future.  Some of my friends are planning to join a foreign language class.  I also think I will be admitted.

 I'm finishing here today.  I will wait for your reply.  But don't forget to send pictures of your trip.

                                             your loving friend


Partho Paul

C/o- Basudeb Paul

B. T. Road

Kolkata - 700012

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Write a letter to your friend inviting him / her to attend your elder brother's marriage

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 Write a letter to your friend inviting him / her to attend your elder brother's marriage


                                 Dakshin Dinajpur


Dear Devid,

  I hope you are well.  You will be happy to know that my elder brother's wedding is taking place on the 27th of this month.  I wish your presence in this holy reunion and you will also have an experience of Bengali marriage.  Let me inform you that Bengali marriage is completely different from Christian marriage.  It is a four day ritual and everything will be celebrated in our house.  The invitation card has already been sent to your home address.  But you must come because I have some plans for marriage for which I need your help.

       I am finishing my letter here today.  I can't wait to see you.  I will tell more stories when we meet.

                                your loving friend


Devid Gomes

C/o-  William Gomes

120, Station Road Burdwan

Pin - 772953

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Saturday, 27 April 2019

An Editorial Letter

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Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper raising your voice the miserable condition of hospit your state hospitals. 


 The Editor,
 The Statesman,
 Calcutta-700 001

       Sub : Miserable condition of hospital.

     Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my  views about the miserable condition of the hospital in our state.

       It must be admitted that the condition of the hospitals is deplorable. The doctors do not care the hospitals, the nurses do not take care of the patients, dogs and cats share beds with the patients particularly with those who have no capacity to hire cabins. There is no controversy  about the shortage of doctors but the question centres round the fact that the doctors are not interested in treating the patients in the hospitals. They are interested in private chambers or in nursing homes. For that, the government hospitals remain neglected.

Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as early as possible.
                                                Yours faithfully,
                                                   A. K. Dutta

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An Editorial Letter

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Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problem of drug addiction.


 The Editor,
 The Statesman,
 Calcutta-700 001
                    Sub : Problem of durg addiction. 


      Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my  views about the problem of drug addiction. 

       Drug addiction has now become a major problem of our social life. Many young men and women are falling victims of this dreadful curse. Hashish, Heroin, Brown sugar, L. S. D and other narcotics are smuggled into the country by the dishonest traders. These traders operate underground and the young ones take these drugs for temporary pleasure. These drugs are nothing but death traps. Initially the drugs stimulate the addicts but slowly they lead the addicts to death. As a result the rosy possibilities of our young men and women are nipped in the bud.

     Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as soon as possible.
                                                Yours faithfully,
                                                   A. K. Dutta
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Sunday, 14 October 2018

Business Letter for Class 12 (wbchse)

Q: The sports teacher of ABC High School placed an order on behalf of the school to your company for sports goods. There has been a delay in supply. You, being the sales manager regret and promise immediate delivery through a letter in not more than 150 words.

                        Dated: 13/10/2018
Sports teacher,
ABC High School,
Dakshin Dinajpur

           Sub: Regret for non-deliverance of                            order.
     I sincerely regret that the order placed by you for the supply of sports materials last 21st  September, 2018 could not be delivered to you due to unavoidable circumstances.

     The fact is that all the goods are ready except the volley ball, net and others related to cotton threads. It is learnt that cotton threads were of acute shortage in the market. But now they are available and the production has already started.

      However, I promise that your order will be supplied to you within a week. I hope you would co-operate with me in allowing this extension of time. Once again I apologise for the delay.

Thanking you.
                                          Yours faithfully,
                                          Pritam Sarkar
                                          Sales Manager
                                           XYZ Sports Co.
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Business Letter for Class XII of (wbchse)

Q: ABC School had ordered a publishing company for a bulk of books. But the company has failed to supply the books in time. Write a letter of reminder to XYZ publishing Co., 2, B. C. Roy Road, Kolkata 700009.

The Sales Manager,
XYZ publishing Co.
2, B.C. Roy Road
Kolkata 700009

                    Sub: Reminder of supply order.
     I would like to inform you that I ordered your publishing company for bulk of books. It was agreed that the books would be supplied to our school within 10 days. But it is quite unfortunate that nearly a month has elapsed after that and you have neither supplied the books nor informed us about the reason for delay. The delay you are making has put me to a great inconvenience. I telephoned you several times but you did not receive.

       However, I remind you to supply the books within a week. Otherwise, the order will be  cancelled.

Thanking you
                                            Yours faithfully,
                                            A. K. Das
                                            ABC School
Dakshin Dinajpur
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Business Letter for Class 12 (wbchse)

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Q: You are on Aneek Dey, a student of St. Martin High School. On behalf of the school you have purchased a cricket set from XYZ City Sports Co. Ltd. Some of the equipments are found defective. Write a letter within 150 words to the company asking for replacement or refund.

The Sales Manager,
XYZ  City Sports Co. Ltd.
39 College Street
Kolkata 70000 12

                      Sub : Repair / replacement of                                     the defective cricket set.
   I would like to inform you that I purchased a cricket set from your company two days ago on behalf of my school. But when I broke the pack, I found that the handle of the cricket bat is loose and the cricket ball is missing. Moreover, one of the wickets is distorted. And certainly the set will be of no use to us.

          I would like to let you know that the set is within the guarantee period. So, I request you to kindly repair or replace the set as early as possible. I have attached a copy of the receipt and the warranty card for your kind verification.

Thanking you.
                                                  Yours faithfully,
                                                          Aneek Dey
                                            Student of Class XII
                                       St. Martin High School

  Salt Lake Kolkata
   Date:    12/10/2018
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Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about inconveniences caused by the use of microphones during religious festivals.

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Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about inconveniences caused by the use of microphones during religious festivals.


The editor,
The Statesman,
Kolkata 700 001.

                            Sub: Reckless use of       microphones during religious festivals.

     I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following matter in your daily newspaper in the interest of common people.

          The microphone is no doubt a great blessing of modern science. But the reckless use of microphones in almost all towns and rural areas is really a headache to the peace loving people. It hampers officeworks and preparation of lessons of students. Continuous use of microphone during different religious festivals prevents old people from enjoying their leisure and sound sleep at night. It also disturbs the patients.

               Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
                                          Yours faithfully,
                                          Arun Das
Gangarampur, Dakshin Dinajpur
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Sunday, 18 March 2018

Write a letter to the editor of an English Daily about private tuition of the teachers.

   Write a letter to the editor of an English Daily about private tuition of the teachers.

The Editor,
The Statesman,

                           Sub: Private tuition of the                                           teachers.

      Through the columns of your esteemed  daily, I would like to express my views about the system of private tuition of the teachers.

       Now the West Bengal Government has decided to detach the teachers from private tuition. Some guardians and the students have raised a voice against the private tuition of the  teachers.They think that the teachers who are engaged with private tuition do not teach well in the class.They also think that such teachers do not devote themselves to their class teaching.It has been said that the teachers spend their time and energy in private tuition, so when they come to class a lack of their interest and energy is felt at each and every moment.So the Government has decided to make a law to stop private tuition of the teachers.The Education Ministers on behalf of the Government have appealed to the teachers to stop private tuition and give importance to class teaching. I also think that the teacher should not go with their private tuition because they are not ill-paid and their position in the society is prestigious too.

      So, I would like to draw the attention of the government to formulate rigid rules to stop private tuition of the teachers.

Thanking you.

                                                Yours faithfully,
                                                Arun Kumar Sen
 Date: 18.03.2018
 Address : Gangarampur, Dakshin                                        Dinajpur
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Saturday, 17 March 2018

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, drawing his attention to the need of immediate repairs to the main road in your locality.

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Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, drawing his attention to the need of immediate repairs to the main road in your locality.


The Editor,
The Statesman,
                               Sub :  Repairing                                            of the main road in                                             our locality.

       Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper I would like to draw the attention of the Gangarampur Municipality to the need to immediate repairs to the main road in our locality.

       It is a matter of great regret that we urged the Municipality again and again in the past, by giving individual applications and the applications signed by the local inhabitants of the region, but we are unable to break the sleep of the authority. The main road which runs through our locality is in bad shape, because of the heavy rains. The heaps of road metals on both sides of the road have left very little room in the middle. Even the foot passengers often fall down the sustain injuries. Dangers become fearful at night during load shedding.
        Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the Govt. should take the necessary steps to solve this grave problem of this locality as early as possible.
 Thanking you,
                                             Yours faithfully,
                                               Ananta Sarkar

Date: 17.03.2018
Address of sender:
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Monday, 5 March 2018

Editorial Letter (Anti-social activities)


write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the anti-social activities in your locality.
The Editor,
The Statesman,
Kolkata -700001  .

                                         Sub:  About the anti-social activities.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my views about  the anti-social activities in our locality.
At present increase in anti-social activities is a great problem in our country. It has spoilt the normal life of peace loving people. Docoity pickpocketing, snatching, and smuggling have become ornaments of our daily lives .Grown up girls teased and taunted on the roads by the anti-social boys . Local Mostans are very powerful. They  collect money from the  shops ,stalls forcibly. Contribution are often collected from people by them at dagger point.. None dares to protest them .All these cases are reported the police station.  But the police have not taken steps.
Under the above circumstances, I pray and hope that the government should take proper steps to solve the problem as early as possible
                                                                          Yours faithfully,

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