Thursday, 21 February 2019

A Question & Answer of As You Like It - William Shakespeare, Class xi ( wbchse)

4. How did Rosalind win Orlando's heart? 

    Orlando defeated an experienced wrestler with his skill and courage. Rosalind came to know that Orlando was the youngest son of her father's good friend. She presented Orlando a chain from off her neck. Due to the irony of fate, Rosalind and Orlando had to go to the forest of Arden. Rosalind was surprised to see her name carved on trees and love-sonnets festened to trees in praise of her. Suddenly Rosalind met Orlando, and she could recognize him seeing the chain he was wearing. When asked who had spoiled the bark of the trees, Orlando confessed that he was the doer. Moreover,  when she proposed they would play a love-game, Orlando agreed. These indications proved that Rosalind won Orlando's heart.
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A Question & Answer of As You Like It - William Shakespeare (Class xi, wbchse)

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                   As You Like It

3. How did old Adam prove his loyalty towards his master?  

     Adam was the loyal servant of Sir Rowland de Boys, father of gentle Orlando. Adam loved Orlando very much for his gentle behaviour and goodness. After Orlando' s victory in the wrestling match, Oliver, his wicked brother vowed to burn Orlando alive in his chamber while he slept. Adam overheard the plan. So he advised him to flee away from the place. He knew very well that Orlando had no money with him. So, he offered him his life's saving of five hundred gold crowns without any hesitation. He also accompanied him in his journey towards the forest of Arden so that he would take care of him and work for him. In this way Adam proved his loyalty towards his master.
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A Question & Answer of As You Like It (Class xi, wbchse)

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              AS YOU LIKE IT
                    William   Shakespeare
2. How did the banished Duke and his followers live in the forest of Arden ?
Or, How was the banished Duke's life in forest of Arden?

         In the forest of Arden the banished Duke and his followers lived a free and peaceful life. The life was more relaxing than the life of court. They spent their summer lying under the shade of the trees. They watched the playful sports of the forest-deer. When the cold winds of winter blew, the Duke would say that the chilling winds were his true counsellors. They did not flatter, but represented his condition truly. He could draw lessons from nature and he found tongues in trees, books in flowing streams, sermons in stones and good in everything.
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Saturday, 9 February 2019

Question & Answer of As You Like It - William Shakespeare

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           As You Like It
                         --William Shakespeare

1. Who were the two participants in the wrestling match? Whom did Celia and Rosalind try to dissuade? What was the result? ( কুস্তি লড়াইয়ে অংশগ্রহণকারী দুইজন কে কে?  সিলিয়া এবং রোজালিন্ড কাকে বিরত করার চেষ্টা করেছিল? ফলাফল কি হয়েছিল?)                                                                    2+1+2

    Ans. The two participants in the wrestling match were an inexperienced young man called Orlando and an experienced wrestler.

    Celia and Rosalind tried to dissuade Orlando from the wrestling match.

      Though Rosalind and Celia requested Orlando not to take part in the wrestling match, he refused to listen to them. He argued that he would not feel ashamed if he was defeated by his antagonist and if he would die there was none to lament for his death. But ultimately making everyone surprised, the young man performed wonders. He defeated his opponent in such a way that he could not even talk for sometime. Rosalind gave him the chain from her neck in recognition of his success.

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Paragraph on Internet for class xi (wbchse)

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    PARAGRAPH for xi (wbchse)

    Internet : It's Use and Abuse

Internet is one of the latest inventions of modern science and technology. It is a network that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks. It carries an extensive range of information resources and services. It is a good medium of entertainment too.  Sports, Movies, national an international level serials can be enjoyed through internet. E- mail is an important communication service available on the internet. Internet is an excellent platform for business and commerce. We can buy and sell stocks, through this medium. For all these advantages, the use of internet is increasing day by day. But internet is often misused and the consequence is dreadful. Sometimes obscene matters are available on internet. Cyber crimes like data blackmailing, hacking, etc are associated with internet. Barring this disadvantages, the internet is a modern wonder, and it is changing our world.
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Thursday, 7 February 2019

একাদশ শ্রেণীর দর্শন সাজেশন 2019 (Philosophy Suggestion of wbchse)

         একাদশ শ্রেণী 2019 দর্শন সাজেশন
    Class XI 2019 Philosophy Suggestion                                         (WBCHSE)

        বিভাগ --- গ (Group -- C) 40 marks

 নিচের প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর দাও।   ৮×৫=৪০

  ১। জ্ঞানের উৎস সম্পর্কে কান্টের বিচারবাদ আলোচনা করো।
  জ্ঞানের উৎস সম্পর্ক লকের মতবাদ সবিচার আলোচনা কর।


 টীকা লেখো: (I) বিশ্লেষক ও সংশ্লেষক বচন (ii) পর্বতঃসিদ্ধ ও পরতঃসাধ্য বচন।

২।  হিউমের নিয়তসংযোগতত্ত্ব সংক্ষেপে বর্ণনা কর। এই মত কি ত্রুটিমুক্ত?
প্রসক্তি সম্বন্ধ কী?  কারণ ও কার্যের সম্বন্ধ কি প্রসক্তি সম্বন্ধ? সবিচার  আলোচনা কর।

৩। বার্কলের আত্মগত ভাববাদ এর মূল বক্তব্য কী? তার মতবাদ কে অহংসর্বস্ববাদ বলা হয় কেন?

সরল বস্তুবাদ এর মূল বক্তব্য গুলি কী কী? লক কিভাবে সরল বস্তুবাদের সমালোচনা করে তার বক্তব্য উপস্থাপন করেছেন?
  বার্কলের আত্মগত ভাববাদে ঈশ্বরের গুরুত্ব ব্যাখ্যা কর। বার্কলে কি এইভাবে ঈশ্বরকে স্বীকার করতে পারেন?

৪। নৈয়ায়িকরা কিভাবে লৌকিক সন্নিকর্ষ এর সংজ্ঞা দিয়েছেন? বিভিন্ন প্রকার লৌকিক সন্নিকর্ষ এর পরিচয় দাও উদাহরণ সহযোগে।

নির্বিকল্পক ও সবিকল্পক প্রত্যক্ষের পার্থক্য কর।  নির্বিকল্প প্রত্যক্ষ কে কিভাবে জানা যায়?
ন্যায় মতে অনুমতি কাকে বলে? এ প্রসঙ্গে পক্ষ সাধ্য ও হেতুর পরিচয় দাও।

৫। সকাম ও নিষ্কাম কর্মের মধ্যে পার্থক্য কী?  বিবেকানন্দ কিভাবে নিষ্কাম কর্ম কে ব্যাখ্যা করেছেন?
মানুষের ধর্ম সম্পর্কে রবীন্দ্রনাথের বক্তব্য ব্যাখ্যা করো।
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Wednesday, 6 February 2019

HS( xii) English Suggestion 2019 Part- B (wbchse)

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   SUGGESTION FOR 2019 (wbchse)
                  Part—B (Marks 20)

Multiple Choice Type Questions (MCQ) & Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) of 1mark.

(A) Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided :     (4 out of 4)                                               1x4=4

1. What further arouses the narrator’s curiosity about the girl in “The Eyes have it”? – (i) her perfume (ii) her appearance (iii) her voice (iv) her sense of humour

2.  The girl said she was getting off at --  (i) Dehra (ii) Mussorie (iii) Rohana (iv)  Saharanpur
From Dehera, Ruskin Bond was going – (i) to Mussoorie  (ii) Rohana (iii) to a hill station (iv) to Saharanpur 

3.According to the blind narrator – (i) few girls can resist flattery (ii) all girls like flattery (iii) all girls can resist flattery (iv) no girls like flattery 

4. When did the girl love the hills of Mussoorie?  (i) in March (ii) in December (iii) in September (iv) in October 

What did the third passenger notice in the girl? (i) her hair (ii) her beautiful figure (iii) her beautiful eyes (iv) her voice
Kalam’s father started his day – (i) at 4p.m. (ii) at early morning (iii) at 4a,m, (iv) at dawn

The ancestral house of Kalam was in – (i) the Mosque street (ii) the Mosque street in Madras (iii) the mosque street in Rameswaram

Rameswaram was famous to pilgrims for – (i) the Vishnu temple  (ii) the Shiva temple (iii) the Tirupati temple (iv) the Mosque

 A.P J. Abdul Kalam was by birth a – (i) Telugu (ii) Tamil (iii) Kannad (iv) Malayali
The woman worked in a – (i) hotel (ii) shop (iii) hotel bar (iv) hotel beauty shop

What was the intension of the woman in “Thank YouMa’am”?- (i) to punish the boy (ii) to clean his dirty face (iii) to teach him right from wrong (iv) to hand him over to the police

Where did the woman bring the boy? –(i) to her home (ii) to the police station (iii) to her home town (iv) to the home of the boy                                      
The boy in Thank you Ma’am’ would never in his life – (i) like Luella Bates (ii) remember Luella Bates (iii) dislike Luella Bates (iv) forget Luella Bates

 The boy could hardly say more than “ Thank you Ma’am” because – (i) he did not see the lady (ii) he was very afraid (iii) the door was shut (iv) he never saw the lady again

The boy in “Thank you Ma’am” wanted to buy a pair of – (i) red shirts (ii) blue suede shoes (iii) faded jeans (iv) black suede shoes
The Tsar went to the hermit – (i) alone (ii) with his hoarse (iii) with his friend (iv) with his bodyguard
 The title Tsar belonged to –(i) the Prime Minister of Great Britain (ii) the President of Russia (iii) the King of Japan (iv) the King of Russia
The most important time of the Tsar according to the hermit was – (i) the future time (ii) the past time (iii) the present time (iv) the time when he was digging the beds
The hermit received – (i) only the minister (ii) only the poor people (iii) only the kings (iv) only the common people
 The hermit never quitted (i) the cottage he lived in (ii) the road he could see (iii) the retreat he lived in (iv) the wood he lived in
What did the Tsar bring to the wounded man to drink –(i) hot milk (ii) fresh water (iii) hot water (iv) cold milk
The beard man was wounded by ---(i) the Tsar (ii) the Tsar’s bodyguard (iii) the hermit (iv) his brother 
Leo Tolstoy’s “Three Questions” can be taken as a –(i) Novel (ii) short story (iii) drama (iv) Epic
 Mrs. Jones cut for Roger –(i) half of her ten cent cake (ii) full of ten cent cake (iii) quarter of her twenty cent cake (iv) half of her fifty cent cake
The blind girl’s voice had –(i) the ringing of a bell (ii) the buzzing of a face (iii) the sparkle of mountain stream (iv) magic spell

N.B.: Examinees are requested to go through the text attentively.

Answer any four of the following questions in a single sentence:         1X4= 4

1. What did the narrator ask the new passenger about the girl? 

Ans: the narrator asked the new passenger how the hair of the departing girl was. 

2. Why could not the girl bear a long journey in a train?   

Ans:The girl could not bear a long journey in a train because she could not bear to sit long hours in a train.

3. When do the hills look lovely, according to Ruskin Bond?  

Ans: According to Ruskin Bond the hills looklovely in October.
Who would come to receive the girl at Saharanpur? 
Ans: the aunt of the girl would come to receive the girl at Saharanpur.
What did the second fellow- passenger say to the blind narrator about the girl’s eyes?
Answer: The second fellow-passenger told the blind narrator that the girl’s eyes were beautiful and attractive but were of no use to her.
Why was the girl in “The Eyes Have It” startled by the narrator’s question?   Answer: The girl was startled by the narrator’s question because she did not know that there was any one in the compartment as she could not see even. 
What was the girl’s reply when the narrator told the girl that she had an ‘interesting face’? 
Answer: The girl laughed and admitted that many of her acquaintances had already told her that she had an ‘interesting face’
Where did Kalam sit to eat?  Answer: Kalam normally sat on the floor on the kitchen to eat with his mother. 
Where did Kalam’s father go to collect coconuts? Answer:  Kalam’s father went to their coconut grove to collect coconuts.
Who waited for Kalam’s father outside the mosque after the evening prayer?  Answer:  People of different religions waited for Kalam’s father outside the mosque after the evening prayer.
Who took Kalam for the evening prayer?  Answer:  Kalam’s father took Kalam to the mosque for the evening prayer.
Who got the title of ‘Bahadur’ from the British?  Answer: One of the forebears of Abdul Kalam’s mother got the title of ‘Bahadur’ from the British.
Name a distinguished friend of A.P.J.  Abdul Kalam’s father. Answer:  the name of the distinguished friend of Kalam’s father was PakshiLakshmanaShastr
Why did learned men come to the Tsar?  Answer: the learn men came to the Tsar to get answer of his tree questions.
 How was the hermit?   Answer: The hermit was frail and weak.
Why did Roger try to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones?  Answer:  Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs.Jones to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.
Why did the Tsar want to know the answers of all his questions? Answer:  the Tsar wanted to know the answers of all his three questions because the Tsar would never fail in anything if he knew this.
When did Roger try to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones?  Answer:  Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones at about 11 o’clock at night.
How many beds had the Tsar dug?  Answer: The Tsar had dug two beds.
What was the second question of the Tsar?  Answer:  The second question of the Tsar was who the most necessary people were.
What was the first question of the Tsar? Answer:  The first question of the Tsar was what the right time for every action was.
What was the third question of the Tsar?  Answer:  The third question of the Tsar was whatthe most important time to do was.
Where did Mrs. Jones turn the loose?  Answer: Mrs. Jones turned the boy loose at her large kitchenette furnished room at the rear of his house.
How did the narrator know that the girl wore slippers?  Answer: the narrator knew that the girl wore slippers from the sound of slippers when they slapped against her heels.
What was the price of the cake the boy was given a part of in “Thank you Ma’am”? Answer: The price of the cake the boy was given a part of was ten cents in “Thank you Ma’am”.
 Who broke the reverie of the narrator in train? Answer: The new passenger broke the reverie of the narrator in train. 

N.B.: Students are requested to memorize excess from exercise book.


4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: (MCQ)                                                                                                 1x4=4 
“Miniature boughs/which if unchecked will expand again.” – the word Miniature means  (i) small  (ii) very small (iii) not so big  (iv) very big 
To kill a tree – (i) is not easy  (ii) is almost impossible  (iii) is a right thing  (iv) takes less time
A tree grows—(i) rooted deep in the earth  (ii) shedding leaves  (iii) slowly consuming the earth  (iv) eroding soil
   The soldier lies in the valley because he is a – (i) winner in the war  (ii) casualty of war  (iii) sleeping person  (iv) chocolate-cream soldier
The dead soldier was – (i) not very young  (ii) middle aged  (iii) very young  (iv) an aged person
The poet requests Nature – (i) to lull the soldier to sleep  (ii) to disturb the soldier’s sleep  (iii) to keep the soldier warm  (iv) to make the soldier catch cold
“Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”  The word ‘thou’ refers to – (i) the poet’s lady love  (ii) the poet’s mother  (iii) the poet’s friend  (iv) the poet himself
‘But the eternal summer shall not fade’ The word opposite in meaning to ‘eternal’ is – (i) universal  (ii) momentary  (iii) temporal  (iv) decayed
“Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines.” The reference here is to –(i) Mars  (ii) the Sun  (iii) the Moon  (iv) Jupiter
Grasshoppers fly in England – (i) in autumn  (ii) in winter  (iii) in spring (iv) in summer
According to Keats, the music of earth ceases – (i) in summer  (ii) in winter  (iii) in autumn  (iv) at no point of time
A winter evening is (i) hazy  (ii) silent  (iii) gloomy  (iv) delightful
Who represents the music of winter in the ‘Poetry of Earth’?—(i) fly  (ii) cricket  (iii) bee (iv) grasshopper

N.B.: Students are requested to go through the text attentively.

5. Answer any four of the following questions in a single sentence each (Sof Poems)                                                     1x4=4

1. Where will green twigs rise from?    

Answer: The green twigs will rise from close to the ground.

2. In what manner does the soldier lie in the countryside? 

 Answer: the soldier in the countryside is lying in as if he is first asleep.

3. What does Shakespeare compare his friend to?

  Answer:  Shakespeare compares his friend to a summer’s day.

4. Where the grasshopper does rests at ease in summer?

  Answer:  In summer the grasshopper rests at ease beneath some pleasant weeds.

5 .‘A then it is done’— What act is referred to here?

  Answer:  The ‘accomplishment’ of having killed the tree is referred to here.

6. ‘The humming insects don’t disturb his rest”; Why?

 Answer:  The humming insects don’t disturb his rest because he is enjoying an eternal sleep.
What shall death not brag?  Answer:  death will not be able to brag about the charming existence of the poet’s friend in his ‘shade’.
What does the cricket’s song seem to one in drowsiness half-lost?  Answer:  The cricket’s song seems to be the songs of grasshopper to ‘one in drowsiness 
What is the smile of the dead soldier compare to?  Answer:  The smile of the dead soldier is compared to an infant’s gentle and pure smile.
What is to be done with the root in the poem “On Killing a Tree”?  Answer:  The root is to be pulled out of the anchoring earth in the poem “On Killing a Tree”.
What does Keats celebrate in the poem “The Poetry of Earth”?  Answer:   In the poem “The Poetry of Earth “, Keats celebrates the music of earth through the cycle of seasons.
Where were the soldier’s feet?  Answer: The soldier’s feet were among the flowers.
What type of poem is ‘On Killing a Tree’?  Answer: ‘On Killing a Tree’ is a free verse.
What does the slow stream leave on the bright grass? Answer:  The slow stream leaves long strands of silver on the bright grass.
What is the soldier’s pillow made of?  Answer:  The soldier’s pillow is made of fern.
What shakes the darling buds of May?  Answer:  The rough winds shake the darling buds of May.

N.B.: Students are requested to memorize excess from exercise book.
7. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided:                                     1x4=4
(i) Lomov has come to Chubucov to ask for- (a) the Oxen Meadows, (b) some money (c) the hands of Natalya in marriage, (d) none of the above
(ii) The Proposal is a/an---- (a) one –act play, (b) tragedy, (c) comedy, (d) farce
(iii) The setting of the play is- (a) Lomov’s drawing room, (b) Museum, (c) Chubucov’s country house (d) French
(iv) The first argument is over- (a) land, (b) labour, (c) hunting dogs, (d) inheritance.

N.B.: Students are requested to go through the text attentively.
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