Friday, 20 July 2018

SAQ with answers of Upon Westminster Bridge.(xi of wbchse)

SAQ of the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge'
                   --    William Wordsworth

                           Class xi (wbchse)

1. What type of poem is 'Upon Westminster Bridge'?[ 'Upon westminster Bridge' কি ধরনের কবিতা?]

Ans. 'Upon Westminster Bridge' is a Sonnet.

2. How does the river Thames flow in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge'? [ 'Upon Westminster Bridge' কবিতায় টেমস নদী কিভাবে প্রবাহিত হচ্ছে]

Ans. In the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge', the river Thames flows at his own sweet will.

3. Which city does the poet refer to in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge'? [ 'Upon Westminster Bridge' কবিতায় কবি কোন শহরের কথা উল্লেখ করেছেন?]

Ans. The poet refers to the city of London in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge'.

4. What garment did the city wear?[ শহর কি পোশাক পরিধান করেছিল?]

Ans. The city wore the garment of the beauty of the morning.

5. When did the poet view the city?[ কখন কবি শহরটিকে দেখেছেন?]

Ans. The poet viewed the city in the early morning.

6. What is the feeling that Wordsworth experiences which he has never experienced before?[ Wordsworth কোন অনুভূতির অভিজ্ঞতা ব্যক্ত করেছেন যা তিনি পূর্বে কখনো অর্জন করেননি?]

Ans. Wordsworth experiences a feeling of deep calm which he has never experienced before.

7. How does Wordsworth describe the air in the city? [Wordsworth কিভাবে শহরের বাতাসের বর্ণনা করেছেন?]

Ans. Wordsworth describes in the air in the city of London as smokeless.

8. How does Wordsworth describe the beauty of the morning?[Wordsworth কিভাবে সকালের সৌন্দর্য বর্ণনা করেছেন?]

Ans. Wordsworth describes the beauty of the morning as silent and bare.

9. Which city, according to Wordsworth, is the fairest one?[Wordsworth এর মতে, কোন শহরটি সবচেয়ে সুন্দর সুন্দর?]

Ans. According to Wordsworth, the city of London is the fairest one.

10. Whom does the poet consider dull of soul?[ কাকে কবি অন্তরে অনুভূতিহীন বলে গণ্য করেন?]

Ans. The poet considers the person who can pass by the magestic sight of London in the morning dull of soul.

11. What did the poet never feel before? [কবি আগে কখনো কি অনুভব করেননি?]

Ans. The poet never felt so deep a calm before. 

12. What, according to the poet, is lying still in the morning? [কবির মতে কি সকালে স্তব্ধ হয়ে আছে?]

Ans. According to the poet the mighty heart of the city is lying still in the morning.

13. From where did the poet see the beauty of London? [ কোথা থেকে কবি লন্ডন শহরের সৌন্দর্য পর্যবেক্ষণ করেছেন?]

Ans. The poet saw the beauty of London from Westminster Bridge.

14. How do the houses of the city of London appear to the poet?[ কবির কাছে লন্ডন শহরের বাড়িগুলি কিভাবে প্রতিভাত হয়েছে?]

Ans. The houses of the city of London appear to be asleep to the poet.

15. What is described as the garment of the city in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge'? ['Upon Westminster Bridge কবিতায় কোন জিনিসকে শহরের পোশাক বলে মনে করা হয়েছে?]

Ans. In the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge', the silent beauty of the morning is described as the garment of the city.

16. How did the poet describe the sunrise in London? [ কবি কিভাবে লন্ডন শহরের সূর্যোদয়ের বর্ণনা করেছেন?]

Ans. The poet described the sunrise  in London as the most beautiful on earth.

17. Why do the towers, domes, theatres and temples appear bright and glittering? [কেন চূড়া, গম্বুজ, নাট্যশালা, ও মন্দিরগুলি উজ্জ্বল ঝলমলে মনে হচ্ছে?]

Ans. The towers, domes, theatres and temples appear bright glittering as the air is smokeless.

18. ' Dear God!' - What feeling does the expression convey?[ 'হে ভগবান' । -- এই অভিব্যক্তি থেকে কোন অনুভূতি প্রকাশ পায়?]

Ans. The expression conveys the feeling of wonder and gratitude.

19. 'Never did sun ........ ' - What according to Wordsworth had the sun never done before? [ কী Wordsworth মতে সূর্য আগে কখনো করেনি?]

Ans. According to Wordsworth the sun had never steeped valley, rock or hill with its first send splendour more beautifully.

20. What is meant by the expression 'mighty heart'[  'mighty heart' অভিব্যক্তির দ্বারা কোন জিনিসকে বোঝানো হচ্ছে?]

Ans. The expression mighty heart means the heart of the city of London.


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Prosenjit Das said...

Please send some important question and answer( each 5 marks) for 2019 exam.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The questions are good

Unknown said...

Really it is an amazing suggestion 😊