Thursday, 29 October 2020

A question and answer of AS YOU LIKE IT

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 How did the banished Duke and his followers live in the forest of Arden ?( বিতাড়িত ডিউক এবং তার অনুগামীরা কীভাবে আর্ডেনের বনে বাস করতেন?)

Or, How was the banished Duke's life in forest of Arden?

আর্ডেনের জঙ্গলে বিতাড়িত ডিউক কেমন ভাবে বেঁচে ছিল?

Ans. In the forest of Arden the banished Duke and his followers lived a free and peaceful life. He was very close to his followers and friendly with them. The life was more relaxing than the life of court. They spent their summer lying under the shade of the trees. They watched the playful sports of the forest-deer. When the cold winds of winter blew, the Duke would say that the chilling winds were his true counsellors. They did not flatter, but represented his condition truly. He could draw lessons from nature and he found tongues in trees, books in flowing streams , sermons in stones and good in everything.

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