Friday, 18 December 2020

An Essay

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 Write an essay about honesty is the best policy.



Honesty cannot be only a policy. This can be a principle. There is a difference between policy and principle. A policy is  changed. You change it when no policy  pays. But a principle does not change. You do not and cannot change a principle even if it causes loss, You suffer and even lay down your life for a principle. But policy is just a matter of convenience. It is a kind of business that thinks in terms of loss or profit.

 Can honesty be just a matter of policy? No. Honesty is the best of wealth. The reward of honesty is honesty itself, for there is nothing better than honesty. Character is the crown of life and honesty is the crown of character itself. No one can be good or great without truth and honesty. Truth and honesty are not different things. There can be no honesty without truth. They are one and the same. So, all great men have always led an honest life.

Honesty is necessary for real happiness. You can never be happy if you are not honest. A dishonest man get very rich. He may enioy all the comforts of life. But he cannot be happy. He may cheat the whole world but how can he cheat his own soul? A dishonest person can never enjoy sound sleep. He is always in fear of something. This sense of fear cannot give him rest. An honest man may be poor. He may have to lead a hard life. But still he is happy.

But to-day almost everybody is dishonest. Honesty does not give wealth and power. Honest people have to suffer a lot. They are hungry and naked. But dishonest people have become very rich and powerful. Dishonesty, and not honesty, has become their policy. But it never means that dishonesty is better than honesty. Even dishonest people claim that they are honest. What does it prove? It proves the greatness of honesty. Who can hide the sun of honesty? The cloud of dishonesty mạy hide the sun for some time. But can a cloud hide the sun for ever? 


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