Wednesday 30 September 2020

Transformation: Simple sentences to Complex sentences

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 Transforming Simple sentences into Complex sentences

Simple Sentence- কে Complex Sentence- এ পরিণত করিবার নিয়মাবলী : Simple Sentence- এ একটি subject ও একটি verb থাকে। সুতরাং Simple sentence- কে Complex Sentence- এ পরিণত করিবার সময় একটি অংশকে(Clause) দুইটি অংশে(Clause -এ) এমনভাবে বিভক্ত করিতে হইবে যেন অর্থের কোন বিকৃতি না ঘটে। অর্থাৎ দুইটি Subject ও দুইটি verb ব্যবহার করিতে হইবে । এই দুইটি clause কে when, where, which, who, whom, what, that, since, as, because,  though, although, so that ইত্যাদি Conjunction দ্বারা যুক্ত করিতে হইবে। I

নিয়মাবলী (Rules):

1. যদি কোন Simple sentence-এ  In Spite of/despite যুক্ত থাকে, তবে তাকে complex করতে হলে নিম্নোক্ত Structure অনুযায়ী করতে হবে:

Though/although+Subject+verb+noun /adjective+comma (,)+ extension.


Q.  Inspite of his riches, he is not happy. (Turn into complex ) 

Ans . Though he is rich , he is unhappy .

Q. In spite of his being honest, he is not popular. (Turn into complex)

Ans. Though/Although he is honest, he is not popular.

Q. In spite of being a good student, he could not do well on the exam. (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans.  Although he is a good student, he could not do well on the exam.

Q. Despite being sick, Ram went to school.(Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. Though Ram was sick, he went to school.

2. যদি কোন Simple sentence -এ  present participle বা verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত শব্দ থাকে, সেক্ষেএে present participle এর বাকি অংশটি যে tense থাকে, present participle এর অংশকে ও সেই একই tense এ গঠন করতে হয় একই subject দিয়ে। 

এক্ষেত্রে complex sentence এর গঠন বা Structure হবে নিম্নরূপ: 

When/since/as + subject + ing যুক্ত verb এর মূল form + object+ comma (,) + বাকি অংশ।


Q.  Reaching home, I found my brother ill.

Ans. When I reached home, I found my brother ill.

Q. Seeing the teacher, the student stopped making noise.

Ans. As/ Since the student saw the teacher, they stopped making noise.


The students stopped making noises when they saw the teacher.

3.  যদি কোন simple sentence- এ Because of, owing to, due to, on account of/for যুক্ত থাকে তবে তাকে complex করার ক্ষেত্রে নিম্নলিখিত Structure অনুসরণ করতে হবে: 

Since/as + Subject + verb + adjective/noun + comma (,) + extension.


Q. Because of his honesty, he was rewarded.(Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. As /Since he was honest, he was rewarded.

 4. Simple sentence  যদি subject + verb + object + present participle-এ রকম আকারে থাকে তবে  তার complex sentence -এ গঠন বা Structure হবে নিম্নরূপ:

Subject + verb + object+ relative pronoun* + to be verb + present participle সহ বাকি অংশ।

*who, which, that, whom, whose, what ইত্যাদি word গুলিকে Relative Pronoun হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়। ইহাদের মধ্যে who, whom ব্যক্তির পরিবর্তে বসে। which, that বস্তু ও ঘটনাকে নির্দেশ। স্থান বুঝাইলে where ব্যবহার হয়।


Q. I saw a bird flying in the sky. (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. I saw a bird which was flying in the sky.

 5. যদি কোন simple sentence -এ Too...To  যুক্ত থাকে তবে সেই sentence কে so….that দ্বারা  নিম্নোক্ত structure অনুযায়ী complex করা হয়

Subject+ verb +so + adjective + that Subject + can not/could not/ did not+ verb + other.


Q. The old man is too weak to walk. (Turn  into complex sentence)

Ans. The old man is so weak  that he cannot walk.

Q. He is too weak to carry this heavy bag. (Tturn into complex sentence into complex sentence)

Ans. He is so weak that he cannot carry that heavy bag. 

 6. Infinitive দ্বারা যুক্ত simple sentence কে so that দ্বারা complex করা হয়।


Q. He worked hard to earn much money. (Turn into complex sentence.)

Ans. He worked hard so that he could/might earn much money.

Q. He worked hard to pass the examination. ((Turn into complex sentence.)

Ans. He worked hard that he might pass the examination. 

7. Simple sentence-এ being থাকিলে complex sentence -এ  being এর পরিবর্তে was/were বসে।


Q. The marriage ceremony being over, the guests  were all going to the feast.(Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. The marriage ceremony was over, the guests  were all going to the feast.

8. যদি simple sentence-এ কোনও অতিরিক্ত বাক্যাংশ(Clause) না থাকে,  তবে এমন একটি শব্দ খুঁজে বের করতে হবে যাতে আপনি একটি Clause-এ প্রসারিত করতে পারেন।  শব্দটি একটি Adjective, Noun or Adverb হতে পারে। (এক্ষেত্রে extra একটি verb আনা যাবে।)


Q He was a remarkable man. (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans: He was a man who was remarkable. 

Q. He was an outstanding actor.  (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans: He was an actor who was outstanding. 

Extra Example:

1) He bought his uncle’s factory.  (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. He bought the factory that belonged to his uncle. 

2) Only Hindus can enter this temple.  (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. If you are not a Hindu, you cannot enter this temple

3) In his childhood, Lincoln did not go to school. (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. When he was a child, Lincoln did not go to school.

4) On seeing the lion, the hunter climbed up a tree. (Turn into complex sentence)

Ans. When he saw the lion, the hunter climbed up a tree.


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